According to Law 3/2019, of February 18, of the Generalitat, on inclusive social services of the Valencian Community, Valencian social services are made up of the set of benefits and services, of public and private ownership, as well as plans, strategies and projects aimed at prevention, promotion of personal autonomy of a comprehensive nature and attention to persons, family and social needs, as well as the guarantee of social inclusion.
Social service systems constitute one of the pillars of the social and democratic state of law that emerged from the approval of the Constitution in 1978, which attributes in Article 148.1.20 exclusive competence in matters of social assistance to the autonomous communities.
The Valencian Community assumed this responsibility in 1982, through article 31.24 of the Statute of Autonomy. For its part, the Law Ley 7/1985, de 2 de abril, reguladora de las bases del régimen local,It grants local entities the power to provide social services. Article 25.2.e recognises the power of municipalities in this area, when it indicates, more specifically, that they are responsible for the evaluation and information of situations of social need, as well as the immediate attention to people in a situation or at risk of social exclusion. Likewise, municipalities, by article 26.1.c of the aforementioned law, will have to exercise this power and provide said service when they have a population of more than 20,000 inhabitants.
The above competencies are also recognized in the articles artículos 33.3.k y 50.1.ª de la Ley 8/2010, de 23 de junio, of the Generalitat, of the local regime of the Valencian Community.