Eleven high school students have produced an radio slot that will be broadcast in the city's high schools
Social Welfare launches ‘Coneiximent’ campaign to promote Festes Majors Patronals in a healthy climate

The Community Prevention of Addictive Behaviors Unit (UPPCA) of the Department of Social Welfare of Benidorm City Council has developed 'Coneiximent' campaing, aimed at the schools to "promote that Festes Majors Patronals develop in a healthy atmosphere, in accordance with current regulations and that the risks derived from the consumption of alcohol and other drugs are reduced to the maximum, especially among minors ”, said Councilor Angela Llorca.
The main action of the campaign, explained the mayor, is the development and broadcast of an audio spot "that can be heard on the public address system of the secondary education institutes of the municipality during this school week prior to the Festivities."
In addition, this campaign is accompanied by other actions such as "the analysis and discussion in the classrooms of the most relevant aspects of preventive messages."
The spots are carried out by eleven students from the five public secondary schools, who have been selected for being positive youth references. "This action is intended to address the main objective of the campaign in a direct way, as well as attractive and innovative for all schoolchildren over 12 years old," concluded Llorca.
The institutes participating in this campaign are: Pere María Orts i Bosch, L’Almadrava, Beatriu Frajardo de Mendoza, Mediterrània and Bernat de Sarrià.