The objective is that disadvantaged families can access therapies that treat different types of disorders
Education approves grants for psychopedagogical treatments for schoolchildren in Benidorm

The City Council will allocate 170,000 euros to this concept
The Local Government Board (JGL) of Benidorm has approved the bases of the call for grants for Psychopedagogical Treatments in 2022 at the proposal of the Department of Education. These grants have been awarded since the 1986-87 academic year and are aimed at schoolchildren in the city who receive this type of private treatment.
The grant, has specified the Councilor for Education Maite Moreno, "allows children of disadvantaged families to access treatments that attend to different types of disorders that affect the correct evolution in the schooling of minors."
This type of social benefit is financed by the state. However, as Moreno has clarified, the will of the Department is "to complement the offer of the ministry so that minors belonging to families that meet the conditions for access to treatment are not excluded from them for economic reasons."
The expenditure approved by the Local Government Board amounts to 170,000 euros for next year, as set out in the regulatory bases of the call.
Treatments for specific learning disorders, oral language, school maladjustment, early stimulation, and high intellectual abilities are considered eligible for subsidy. All treatments will be attended by psychologists, pedagogues, speech therapists, psychopedagogues and specialized therapists.
The beneficiaries of these grants, in general, must be students enrolled in educational centers of the municipality, have a diagnosis of a related disorder or be immersed in a diagnostic process to confirm or rule it out, the entire family unit must be registered and reside in Benidorm and that the suitability of the treatment has been indicated by the counselor of the educational center.
The Councilor for Education has indicated that the maximum amount to be subsidized for a maximum period of 11 monthly payments in 2022 "ranges between 95 and 135 euros per month up to a maximum of 2,000 euros during the eleven months."
Requests for aid must be made by filling in the model available in the aid section of the Education Area on the municipal website
The deadline for submitting the application is from November 22 to December 3 of this year. The call will be published in the Official Gazette of the Province (BOP) and on the municipal website.