Benidorm improves the security of the Bernat de Sarriá avenue with the installation of lighting
Benidorm City Council has improved the road safety of Bernat de Sarriá avenue with the installation of public lighting in a stretch of just over a kilometer, which runs between the intersection with Toledo Avenue and the intersection with Severo Ochoa. A total of 31 points of light have been installed with overhead power lines, an option that will allow the disassembly and reuse of these street lamps in other parts of the city once the sector is redeveloped.
This action has involved an investment of 39,837.74 euros, included in the 2017 budget at the proposal of Citizens (Cs) and is part of the agreement reached between the local government and this municipal group for the approval of the municipal accounts of last year.
The mayor, Toni Pérez, together with the government councilman Jesús Carrobles and the spokesman and assistant spokesman of Cs, Rafael Gasent and Juan Balastegui, visited Bernat de Sarriá avenue to verify the result of this action, which has allowed to light this stretch of the road that until now did not have lighting.
Both the mayor and spokespersons of Cs agreed that the lighting of this section of Bernat de Sarriá represents a considerable improvement for the road safety of this avenue, in which despite not having high traffic density it is usual that the vehicles circulate at excessive speeds. Therefore, in addition to the lighting installation, it is also planned to implement speed reducers.
In the configuration of the new lighting, the Energy Efficiency Regulation has been applied.