‘Parc Natural de la Serra Gelada. Les Llums de l’Abisme’, by Jaume Fuster, will be on display until June 11 at Boca Calvari Museum
Benidorm inaugurates a photographic exhibition of Serra Gelada in all its complexity

The sample collects about 80 snapshots and makes a nod to the history of the mountain range and its natural diversity
Benidorm opens this afternoon, starting at 8:00 pm, at Boca Calvari museum, a photographic exhibition by Jaume Fuster that shows Serra Gelada in all its complexity. 'Natural Park of Serra Gelada. Les Llums de l'Abisme 'is composed of 52 snapshots from different places in the mountains taken over the years. To these is added a series of historical photographs and others in which the moments of capture of the images that make up the exhibition are shown.
In addition to the author, this inauguration will be attended, among others, by the mayor, Toni Pérez; the councilor of Historical Heritage, Ana Pellicer; the president of the Governing Board of the Natural Park, Joan Piera; and the professor of Geography Vicenç Maria Rosselló.
Pellicer highlighted the work of the photographic compilation made by Jaume Fuster and that "shows us all the nooks and crannies that our Serra Gelada hides". The councillor explained that "possibly Jaume Fuster is one of the people who walked most along Serra Gelada, who knows it best and loves it most". A fondness, he assured, that "transports us and it is reflected in all the images".
In 'Parc Natural de la Serra Gelada. Les Llums de l'Abisme 'photographs of the cliffs on the sea, of the different caves that are scattered throughout the mountain range -some of them almost impenetrable-, trails, and old mines or constructions like Tower of Les Caletes, are exhibited. It is, therefore, according to the councilor, "a nod to our historical heritage and also to the natural diversity of Serra Gelada".
The exhibition is completed with some of the photographic cameras used by the author, objects used in his incursions in the mountains to reach sometimes the most recondite places, as well as part of the botanical bibliography and terminology used for the configuration of the exhibition.
'Natural Park of Serra Gelada. Les Llums de l'Abisme 'will be exhibited in Boca Calvari until June 11, and can be visited during the museum's regular hours from Tuesday to Sunday.