The system involves placing the containers at 6:00 p.m. and removing them at 8:00 a.m. the next day.
Street cleaning installs a new 'removable' service La Senyoria square

The Department of Street Cleaning will install next Monday a new service with the 'remove and put' system, in this case in the plaça de la Senyoria, which will be added to those already existing in l'Hort de Colón, Los Carrascos, Tulipanes , the Plaza de la Constitución, and Pintor Lozano and Ramos Carratalá streets.
This waste collection system consists of placing the containers after 6:00 p.m. and removing them at 8:00 a.m. the next day so that for much of the day there are no containers on public roads. These containers have been installed in points with high hotel activity.
The Department has also communicated that special surveillance will be carried out at this new point and the one located on Calle Pintor Lozano.
The system began its implementation last year "to avoid saturation of the service and the fact of having to collect garbage seven to eight times a day" explained the councillor José Ramón González de Zárate "because the ordinance did not comply with the Environment” that establishes the exit of household garbage and establishments after 8:00 p.m.
This situation caused image problems in very crowded areas and cost overruns in the service by having to allocate more technical and human resources, which is why it was decided to apply this system "which was contemplated in the urban waste cleaning and collection contract for the old town, El Calvari and some other areas of the city”.
González de Zárate, however, has asked neighbours and hoteliers that “as far as possible, do not take out the garbage before 8:00 p.m.
The 'remove and put' containers began to be installed last year as a pilot project to test the system and get citizens and establishments used to the new service.