The meeting takes place this Saturday at the City Hall and is the first of the events organized on the occasion of the World Day against this disease
The 1st Anémona Congress will discuss the advances and challenges in the treatment of breast cancer in Benidorm

Benidorm Assembly Hall will host this Saturday, October 5, the first edition of the Anémona Congress, a meeting organized by the self-help group for women with breast and gynaecological cancer, Anémona-Marina Baixa, which will bring together experts, professionals and those affected to discuss the advances and challenges in the treatment of this disease. The event was presented this Tuesday by the Councilor for Equality of the Benidorm City Council, Ángela Zaragozí; the president of Anémona-Marina Baixa, María Botella; and several members of this association, who have trusted that it will serve to provide knowledge on "topics that go beyond oncological or psychological treatments and that are not usually addressed in other congresses."
The 1st Anémona Congress will begin at 9 in the morning and will continue throughout the day under the title 'Management of the care processes of breast cancer patients in all its phases'. The programme will start at 10 am, with the conference ‘Health protocols for action in the Marina Baixa’, by Pascual Pastor, manager of the regional Health Department. At 10.45 am, the general and digestive surgeon of the IVO Fernando Carbonell Castelló will offer the keynote lecture ‘Health protocols for action in the Marina Baixa’, which will be followed at 11.45 am by the first of the scheduled round tables: “Associationism in the fight against cancer”, in which affected people and volunteers from different local and provincial associations will participate to highlight the importance of the associative movement.
At 12.45 pm, the programme will continue with another round table ‘Comprehensive approach to cancer: from diagnosis to recovery’, where collaborative strategies between different medical specialities will be discussed to improve the quality of life of patients and optimize clinical results.
After the midday break, at 4.30 pm the congress programme will resume with the keynote lecture ‘Research in sport and breast cancer: experiences and perspectives’, which will be given by María Alonso Dueñas (coordinator of research projects related to sports in breast cancer at GEICAM). Finally, to delve deeper into this issue, at 5.30 pm there will be a final round table discussion on the topic ‘Physical exercise in oncology practice: experiences and recommendations’, moderated by the Councillor for Health and Deputy Mayor of Benidorm City Council, Ana Pellicer, and in which various professionals from the sports field will participate.
María Botella has announced that registration to attend the congress as an audience can be done through the website and also in person, either at the association’s headquarters in Benidorm or on the day of the congress, and that it costs five euros. All the money raised at this event will go to GEICAM, the leading group in breast cancer research in Spain with which Anémona collaborates in many of its actions.
For her part, the councillor for Equality, Ángela Zaragozí, explained that this congress is “the first of the many activities programmed by Anémona throughout October to commemorate the International Day against Breast Cancer, on October 19” and she hoped that “like everything organised by this association, it will be a complete success”. Likewise, the councillor recalled that, within this programme, “on October 20 the Solidarity March will take place” and she invited Benidorm residents and citizens from other parts of the region to “collaborate with Anémona by buying the commemorative t-shirts and participating” in it.
Rowing Trophy
In addition to the 1st Anémona Congress, this weekend there will be another of the activities scheduled to mark this International Day. This is the fourth edition of the ‘Anémona Rowing Trophy’, organised by this organisation and by the Benidorm Yacht Club and in which thirteen boats are expected to take part, including rowers who will travel from Malaga to participate, as explained by Encarna Zafra, from Anémona.
The trophy will start at 9 in the morning and will be contested in the bay, with llaüts and faluchos and with three different events: slalom, gymkhana and ergo. In addition, next week, Anémona will set up information tables on Wednesday, October 8, at the Foietes Municipal Market, and on Friday, the 11th, at the Rosa de los Vientos on Martínez Alejos Street, where you can also buy t-shirts for the Solidarity March on the 20th.
Likewise, on Sunday, October 13, there will be a Travesía by Anémona and the windsurfer from Benidorm Darío Quesada, between Benidorm and Calp, as an “appetizer” for the challenge of covering the 83 nautical miles between Benidorm and Ibiza by windsurfing planned by Quesada himself for 2025.
Finally, Paquita Benaloy, also from Aémona, thanked volunteers and collaborators for all the support they give to the association to make the entire program and activities they carry out throughout the year a reality.