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The initiative, which has been very well received by the beneficiaries, has generated almost 52,000 impressions on Facebook and 4,700 on Instagram

More than 40,000 consumer vouchers downloaded from the # BenidormTeDaMás campaign in less than 24 hours

16 December 2021
Más de 40.000 bonos-consumo descargados de la campaña #BenidormTeDaMás en menos de 24 horas

The initiative, which has been very well received by the beneficiaries, has generated almost 52,000 impressions on Facebook and 4,700 on Instagram

The # BenidormTeDaMás campaign, which for consumers began yesterday at 3 pm, is proving to be a resounding success in terms of its reception, as evidenced by the first data collected in less than 24 hours. Thus, according to the website, the number of downloaded consumer vouchers has been greater than 40,000 until 2:00 p.m. today, which means that more than 8,000 people have downloaded their vouchers in less than a day .

The impact on social networks has also been very significant in the same period of time. Thus, on Facebook, a total of 51,756 impressions had been reached, that is, the number of users who had seen the link. On Instagram, the reception has also been great, accounting for 4,688 impressions.
The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, has valued very positively the reception of the campaign during the first day of operation and has encouraged "all the people of Benidorma to download their vouchers from the web or the 'app' and go to the establishments ”. He has also pointed out that with the campaign "we make a kind of circular economy, since with the voucher we contribute to the maintenance of the local and nearby productive fabric."

The procedure to obtain the bonuses is very simple from any mobile device. First, the user must enter the website and from there go to the Consumer Area. Once there they can register, for which it will be necessary to provide the DNI or NIE, a password, email, name, telephone number and date of birth.

As it is a free consumption voucher, the beneficiary must be registered in Benidorm on December 1, 2021 and be of legal age on December 31. The data will be collated by the system and if everything is correct the platform will proceed to the registration.

Once registered on the web, users can request their vouchers from there or download them in pdf format and print them if they wish. From the BuyBono mobile application - available to download for free on Play Store and Apple Store platforms - the vouchers can also be requested once users have registered on the web. To do this, they must install it on their mobile device and access their Private Area from the Consumers section, for which they will have to enter the DNI and the password with which they registered on the web.

When this step has been completed, they will be able to download the consumer vouchers. The application will create the QR code of the vouchers and will offer all the information about them, so that during the campaign the beneficiary can consult the vouchers they have redeemed and the place where they did it.
An easy process that can be summarized in that the voucher can be printed or downloaded from the web, while from the 'app' it can only be downloaded in pdf format and saved on the mobile device to be presented when making the payment of the purchase.
From the ‘app’ itself, in addition, users will be able to enter their profile and view the list of participating establishments where they can redeem the vouchers. A function that is also available on the web.

As already explained, users can request up to five vouchers of ten euros each. They will be nominative by means of a QR code that is associated with the DNI or NIF of each person registered in Benidorm and may be used as a discount on purchases equal to or greater than 20 euros in the establishments participating in the campaign without being able to exceed the payment with the voucher with the voucher. 50% of the purchase. In other words, for each purchase of 20 euros you can use a 10 euro consumer voucher, up to a maximum of 100 euros of purchase and 50 discount.
The voucher-consumption will be valid from when it is made available to the neighbors and until December 31st. If they are not exchanged within that period, they will be automatically canceled.

To help “maximize the dissemination of this municipal initiative”, the City Council has convened an extraordinary Neighborhood Council at 11.30 am on Friday in which all the details of the campaign will be offered to the neighborhood associations and any doubts that may arise will be resolved. so that the members of the Neighborhood Council spread the campaign among their neighbors.
In this sense, the Councilor for Citizen Participation, Ana Pellicer, has pointed out that it is about “explaining first-hand how the website and the 'app' work so that the councilors themselves help their neighbors and spread the benefits of this campaign , as well as to the establishments of his zone so that they are encouraged to adhere to the same one ”.

The objective, she has insisted, is "to reach the maximum number of residents and establishments so that the more than three million of the municipal budget for this campaign are used in their entirety."
Benidorm City Council has published a diptych with all the information on this campaign, which is available at the following points: Hall and switchboard of the City Council, Administrative Extensions of Las Cala, Beniardá, Rincón de Loix, Els Tolls and Maravall, Municipal Library, social centers La Torreta, Llorca Linares, Tanit, Jelena, Department of Social Welfare, El Torrejó Building, SATE, Casa del Fester, Hort de Colon and Boca del Calvari Museum.

In addition, the City Council has enabled the telephone number 96-6815443 and the email to offer the necessary information and resolve any questions in this regard.

It is also reminded that users will be able to link this campaign with # BenidormMásCerca initiative, which is in force until the end of the year, and which offers the first hour of free parking in six public car parks to those who consume more than 20 euros in commercial and leisure establishments. , restaurants and hotels in the city. To do this, it is enough to present the ticket confirming the consumption of more than 20 euros. In total, almost 1,800 parking spaces are available in the car parks of l’Aigüera, Tomás Ortuño, Mercado, Ametlla de Mar, Ruzafa and Cines Colci.

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