The investment amounts to 1.5 million and will be completed by mid-November
Benidorm resumes the renovation works of the waste collection in Severo Ochoa up to Nápoles Street

Benidorm City Council will resume next week the renovation works of the damaged section of the EBAR Severo Ochoa, which runs from Camí dels Torrers to Nápoles Street, after the stoppage that work has had during the summer months.
To offer all the information to the residents of the area, the campaign 'A pie de Calle' has moved there, with the mayor Toni Pérez at the head, and the councilors of Citizenship Participation, Urban Scene, and Water Cycle, Ana Pellicer, Francis Muñoz and José Ramón González de Zárate respectively. With them were the vice presidents of the Neighborhood Council, Antonio Zamora, and Francisco Martínez, and numerous residents and managers of Hidraqua, which is carrying out the work.
The forecast indicates that in three weeks the crossing with Nápoles Street will be reached with normal passage for vehicles. At the crossing, the traffic lights will be established again to regulate alternative traffic, as agreed before the holiday period. The end of the work is scheduled for mid-November.
It must be remembered that as an improvement action, the project also includes the construction of a new roundabout at the intersection of Camí dels Torrers and Severo Ochoa, in what is known as the 'El Niño curve'.
The work, carried out by Hidraqua from the investment funds, consists of the installation of 334 meters of integral cast iron pipe covered with polyurethane, as well as the renovation of the electromechanical equipment of Severo Ochoa and Serra Gelada EBARs through the installation of seven new wastewater pumps (four in Severo Ochoa and three in Serra Gelada) capable of jointly driving each station a maximum flow of 590 l/s.
The renovation of the entire electrical installation and remote control systems of both stations will also be undertaken. In this way, energy efficiency, operation, and exploitation of the installation are improved.
With this action, the aim is to start up the second line that the municipality of Benidorm has towards its treatment plant, thus avoiding the risk of producing specific discharges into the natural environment due to the lack of capacity of the original line, which is currently the only one in service. The budget for the works amounts to 1,511,570.91 euros.
The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, has indicated concerning this action that "the renovation of these pumping stations is a vital work that has been carried out for months to put an end to the failures that have occurred over the last years and in this case, it is very important because it is the main artery that brings the water up to the treatment plant”.
Pérez has specified that "the action is carried out because we only had one drive line instead of two, so that if there were a fault we would be left without being able to drive the wastewater and it would end up in the sea. That is what we intend to avoid” the mayor pointed out.
He has stressed that it is a "fundamental" action for the treatment of wastewater in Benidorm "that complements and continues other investments that have been made in different parts of the city to achieve the best possible water management. Once finished, we will once again have two drive lines with full guarantees of operation”. About traffic conditions, the mayor has indicated that "we will try to minimize any inconvenience that may occur to drivers."
The mayor, however, has once again regretted that "neither the Ministry nor the previous Ministry have invested in Benidorm what corresponds to them and in the end, it is the city that has to take charge of this lack of investment."