Access permits to the LEZ can now be requested in test mode through the website
Benidorm launches the platform to access authorizations to the LEZ

Benidorm City Council has launched an online platform for managing access permits to the Low Emission Zone (LEZ). Citizens can now access it through the website, from a computer, mobile phone or any other electronic device with an internet connection and start registering.
As a test, it is now possible to easily process the permits required to circulate through the areas of the city regulated as a low emission zone. At this point, it should be remembered that Benidorm LEZ is operational in an information phase until June 2025.
The Councillor for Mobility, Francis Muñoz, has highlighted that “this digital platform is designed to make permit management agile, intuitive and accessible for all citizens. In addition, it will allow key information about the LEZ to be consulted, such as the locations that make it up and the status of the applications submitted, among others.”
An intuitive platform
Users can easily register, and create their account with their ID, name and email, as well as access their area. Once inside, users can access a section to check if a specific address is within the low-emission zone, by performing a simple search.
They can also check the environmental certification of each vehicle by entering its license plate, as well as request the necessary permits, whether they are authorizations for registered residents, vehicles for residents, parking spaces or the provision of services with cars and motorcycles, among many other possibilities.
In addition, users have real-time access to the status of their requests, allowing them to track each procedure easily and quickly. In addition, the platform will be updated periodically to improve its functionalities and add new options that facilitate its use. Adaptation phase
The City Council reminds that, during the next few months, citizens can familiarize themselves with the platform and resolve any queries through the Citizens' Assistance Office, located on the ground floor of the City Council from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., on the telephone number 605 694 942 or through the email
In addition, to facilitate the process, a short educational video has been produced that explains, clearly how to register, enter the necessary data and request permits.
"The objective is for citizens to have all the tools at their disposal to adapt to this new regulation and for the implementation of the LEZ in Benidorm to be a fluid and effective process," said Francis Muñoz. Specifically, until June, the use of the platform and the application will be normalized by all users, so that they can "perform real tests to request permits and authorizations."
Finally, the implementation of the LEZ in Benidorm is an initiative promoted by the Benidorm City Council with funding from the European Union - NextGenerationEU within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda of the Government of Spain. For more information, citizens can visit