The registration period is open to take the access tests to the Benidorm Professional Conservatory of Music
The registration period is open to take the access tests to Benidorm Professional Conservatory of Music

José Pérez Barceló Municipal Professional Conservatory of Music, dependent on the Department of Education of Benidorm City Council, has already opened the registration period to take the first-year entrance tests or courses other than Elementary Music Education. The councillor of the department, Maite Moreno, has encouraged those interested to "pursue their studies at this centre, where in addition to elementary education, professional qualifications are also offered with teachers of the highest level."
Moreno has pointed out that this educational offer is aimed at boys and girls from 8 years of age. To access the first course of Elementary Education it is not necessary to have prior knowledge of music. The deadline will be open until next June 7, when the registration period ends.
The Councilor for Education has indicated that all the information and documents necessary to carry out this procedure can be obtained on the official website of the Benidorm City Council, through the following link: education/conservatori-professional-municipal-de-musica-jose-perez-barcelo.
The application and required documentation will be sent to the email For more information, you can contact us by calling 965853728, 620 025 641 or by email at
Application for a place at the Dance Conservatory
On the other hand, Moreno recalled that the registration for the Municipal Elementary Conservatory of Dance is still open. In this case, the registration calendar has two deadlines. The first, from May 20 to June 7, is aimed at students who are going to start the official Elementary Grade, which is aimed at children aged 8 to 12 or 7 born in 2016. During this period they must also formulate their registration for those interested in accessing other higher courses of this Elementary Grade.
The second registration period is aimed at Dance Initiation students, which covers boys and girls born in 2017 and 2018. It will be operational between June 3 and 28.