Miguel Soldevila criticises the fact that Toni Pérez's government has still not complied with a ruling that obliges the City Council to repair the square to avoid leaks
The PSOE denounces the “third world” state of Manizales square

The socialist municipal group in Benidorm City Council has denounced the “third world” and “total neglect” state in which the central square of Ciudad de Manizales is found. The councillor responsible for the Public Space area, Miguel Soldevila, has criticised the “degradation” that the square has suffered in recent years due to the inaction of the government of Toni Pérez, which has “ignored the complaints of this municipal group and the complaints of many residents of the area”.
Soldevila has denounced that the state of conservation of the perimeter walls, planters, benches and children's games of the square is “deplorable”, and has also demanded that a thorough cleaning and disinfection action be carried out because “the encrusted dirt and the smells of the square do not go away with water alone”.
The councillor has also warned of the increase in homeless people who are using the arcades of the square to sleep, for which reason they have requested that the municipal Social Welfare services visit the area to offer them help and that measures be increased to stop this social emergency.
However, Soldevila has demanded that immediate action be taken to once again offer a space "in good condition" to the numerous families who take their children to play in this central square every day.
The sentence does not comply with
The socialist councillor has censured that the Government team of the Popular Party continues to fail to comply with the sentence of the Contentious Administrative Court number 1 of Alicante, dated February 5, 2024, which ordered the Benidorm City Council to repair the Plaza de Manizales and urgently adopt the necessary measures to avoid leaks from the square that are damaging the structure of the underground car park. "The mayor should stop taking photos and travelling around the province and dedicate more time to managing his city and complying with court rulings," he said.