Cultural, sports and environmental activities, among others, at your disposal
Young people from 10 to 16 years old participate in the 'Summer Program' for Youth

The 'Summer 2023 Program' aimed at children and young people between the ages of 10 and 16, organized by the Department of Youth, began today at the CEIP Leonor Canalejas, where this municipal activity has established its base this year. The initiative will last until September 1, as announced by the Councilor for Youth, Ana Mª Soliveres.
The councillor specified that the program "will take place from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m." and aims to offer an "alternative educational and cultural leisure to minors in the summer season, while their parents work."
The Department of Youth has scheduled three periods, from July 17 to 28, from July 31 to August 11, and, finally, from August 21 to September 1. For each one, 48 places have been created, divided into groups of 12 minors, and have a cost per participant of 30 euros, thanks to contributions from the City Council and the IVAJ (Valencian Youth Institute).
"Among the scheduled activities," Soliveres pointed out, "there will be cultural outings, workshops, sports, games, hiking, the environment, board and role-playing games, film forums, and emotional intelligence work."
This morning a detailed guide to the activities they will carry out these days has been delivered to the young participants. Soliveres, along with the Councilor for Education, Maite Moreno, greeted the attendees who were given the T-shirts that Youth has printed for the occasion.