Spaces and classrooms with air conditioning or more ventilated will be used, for which high-power fans have been purchased
Benidorm adopts measures to mitigate the effects of heat in the polling stations on 23-J

The tables of the CEIP Leonor Canalejas are moved to the new multipurpose building of the school complex
The City Council will deliver 12 liters of water per polling station
Benidorm City Council has adopted measures to mitigate the effects of the heat in the polling stations on the day of 23-J, as reported today by the acting mayor, Ana Pellicer, and the Councilor for Statistics, Mónica Gómez.
Pellicer explained that "the fact that the national elections have been called in the middle of summer requires that exceptional measures be taken to adapt the usual polling stations to the more than possible episodes of high temperatures, from which Benidorm is not exempt."
In fact, "Benidorm Public Health Center, a circular has been sent to the City Council in which a series of recommendations are stated to reduce the impact on health associated with episodes of heat waves on election day and guarantee the safety and well-being of the people summoned to the tables and of the voters themselves; recommendations that this local administration has logically attended to”.
In this sense, the acting mayoress has detailed that "when locating the tables within each polling station, the spaces and classrooms have been chosen, in the case of educational centers, which have air conditioning or those that are more airy and therefore less hot.
Given that the polling stations located in municipal buildings such as social centers, administrative extensions, the City Council itself, or the Casa del Fester all have air conditioning, the ventilation reinforcement measures are mainly focused on some Infant and Child education centers. Primary.
As an example of this measure, "the polling stations of the CEIP Leonor Canalejas are going to be installed in the new multipurpose building of the educational complex since these spaces have air conditioning." In addition, "the City Council has acquired 20 high-power fans to reinforce ventilation in the classrooms of the Bautista Lledó, Miguel Hernández, Puig Campana and Els Tolls schools."
On the other hand, "bottled water packs have also been purchased for each of the 79 polling stations in Benidorm." Specifically, the equivalent of 12 liters of water will be delivered per polling station, four liters per member.
Apart from these measures, the acting mayoress has reminded the population that "in episodes of high temperatures it is advisable to avoid the central hours of the day and it is essential to constantly hydrate, for this reason, it is highly recommended that all voters carry a bottle of water when they go to exercise their right to vote and follow the recommendations of the health authorities”.