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"Either we put everything we have at the service of this great industry that is tourism, or we will be mistaking the objective"

Toni Pérez, in the Hosbec Assembly and before the Regional Secretary of Tourism, demands that the European funds reposition tourism

19 June 2020
Toni Pérez, en la Asamblea de Hosbec y ante el secretario autonómico de Turismo, reclama que los fondos europeos reposicionen el turismo

The mayor congratulates the new directive, highlights the courage and professionalism of the decisions taken, and insists on the need for a Special Plan to protect tourism

Hosbec, the hotel and tourism association of the Valencian Community, held three assemblies this morning - Ordinary, Extraordinary statutory and Extraordinary electoral - grouping calendars in processes that truncated the emergence of the pandemic and the confinement and phases of the de-escalation process indicated by government.

More than two hundred associates from the three provinces have participated electronically, with face-to-face assistance to it, among others, the mayor of Benidorm and the regional secretary of Tourism.

At the beginning of the session, Toni Pérez addressed the assembly members highlighting the work of Hosbec and encouraging them to persevere in their work, which he described as “brave and very professional, always, but especially in the middle of last March, anticipating measures before even to manifest the terrible consequences of the pandemic. "

The current president, Antonio Mayor, has been re-elected as head of a renewed Board of Directors which, in accordance with the statutory changes, includes five vice-presidencies and serves the three provinces, adapting the identification logo of the association and indicating its hotel and tourist identity.

At the closing of the assembly session, the mayor of Benidorm highlighted "the intense work" that began "96 days ago" and "marked the north" for the sector and administrations at national and international level. Toni Pérez recalled that he “came without a doubt to make the most difficult decision ever made by any mayor of Benidorm”, to close the beaches, and “Hosbec, once again, raised the bar for its commitment to society and decided to close the hotel plant ”. He recalled that it was eight days before the decision of the Government of Spain decided. You put the safety and health of all before any other interest, "said the mayor," there is no more difficult decision, for those who are part of this great industry, than having to vacate and close, but that is the best example of your principles and convictions ”.

Toni Pérez congratulated the entire team and encouraged them to attend with "conviction and will" the new challenge and stressed that "it is not a time of occurrences, it is a time of work and good sense." He praised the Special Plan for the Protection of Tourism, which emerged from the debate in Hosbec, with the City Council and Visit Benidorm, noting that the City Council has transferred it "through as many bodies as we had the capacity to do and transmit." Toni Pérez recalled that this plan has been defended by him before the Alliance of Municipalities of Sun and Beach, the Tourism Commissions of the FVMP and the FEMP, before the Minister of Tourism and before SM El Rey.

He encouraged the mayor to continue working together towards success to consolidate the brand; brand that "is always built, but is strengthened and gains special strength in times of difficulty" and encouraged them to remain united, "convinced of the strength that tourism represents and that HOSBEC shows permanently".

Toni Pérez focused on security as a current and future value, noting "that in the imagination, now, we have to inoculate that Benidorm DTI + insurance because people are going to seek more security." In this sense, he stressed that "together with the quality of the services provided by its associated establishments, Hosbec has always known how to channel an important line of health security" that we now need so much, but which is a work of always.

The mayor of Benidorm ended by claiming that the European funds that are now being raised for tourism revert “to a mechanic in the style of municipalism in the strategy of sustainable urban development; you have to make a sustainable tourism development strategy. ” And in this line Toni Pérez concluded: “Either we put everything we have at the service of this great industry, which is tourism, at the moment, or we will be mistaken in our objective. We have to start now. ”

The regional secretary of Tourism, who had travelled to Benidorm for the occasion, indicated that he had come to thank Hosbec for his professionalism in the face of the situation stemming from the pandemic and personally came to acknowledge the work, Colomer said, because he represents very well the harmony of the partnership with the territory and gives leadership. He noted that the accommodation sector adds value to the country and even the public that uses and enjoys the services and proposals of the industry.

Colomer defined the sector as the most loyal and patriotic and pointed out that it is time for companies, because future strategies are behind them. He advocated that ERTEs be active until December 31 and encouraged to resist in 2020 and offer the best version in 2021.

The reelected president of Hosbec, Antonio Mayor, in his speech pointed out the headache that for them is still indefinite about the ERTEs, wielded the goodness of a temporary reduction of VAT during this entire crisis, regretted that the City councils use their surplus to invest and help to get out of this situation, which they congratulated for having made brave decisions, such as the reduction of municipal taxes and fees that have not been used because the industry is closed.

Mayor asked for a relaunch of the social tourism program and was hopeful that the situation will improve and the sector can take a breath in the last months of the year, focusing the future on 2021.