The event met the musical and organizational expectations
Success of the Gold edition of the Reggaeton Beach Festival in Benidorm

The Gold edition of Benidorm Reggaeton Beach Festival, which took place this weekend in the new multipurpose facilities of Foietes, has been a “success”, meeting “the musical and organizational expectations of the public”, as indicated today by the Councilor for Events, Jesús Carrobles.
"We are talking - he pointed out - of a festival that is fully consolidated in our city, which has now totalled five editions, which grows year after year, always attentive to the improvement of services and production, with new features that improve the experience of attendees and which is undoubtedly a draw for the young public.”
The councillor recalled that "Reggaeton Beach is the first of the three festivals that will take place in municipal facilities during the summer and early autumn." Three festivals, he transferred, that "have already become established events in the city's calendar and that contribute to positioning Benidorm on the national circuit and in the musical and cultural tourism segment."
Carrobles, who is also in charge of the Citizen Security area, explained that “as could be certified during the inspection of the festival by the municipal inspectors, the security and healthcare service included in the Self-Protection Plan were strictly complied with”, in terms of police presence and personnel provided by the organization and in terms of emergency measures.”
In this regard, the councillor recalled that "more than 200 people among the means provided by the company and the troops assigned by the Local Police, National Police Corps and Civil Protection."
The person in charge of Events and Public Service reported that "the festival developed with no notable incidents." Thus, during the two days, 146 healthcare services were provided at the facility, mostly of a minor nature due to sprains or sunstroke, and there was only one transfer to a hospital.
This overall number of attendances represents “around 34% less than in the previous edition”, while “transfers have been reduced by 80%”.
Likewise, Carrobles specified that "the traffic system has also operated well during the development and end of the festival day, considering the volume of vehicles that Benidorm currently presents."