Anti-Covid measures are still in effect. The mask is mandatory for everyone and the priority safety distance
The Municipal Market of Foietes reopens on Wednesday 23 with full supply

Next Wednesday, June 23, the Foietes Municipal Market will reopen with 100% occupation of its commercial structure, maintaining the anti-Covid measures and from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Department of Commerce recalls the mandatory use of the mask throughout the premises for both sellers and buyers to access the site that has independent access points for entrances and exits.
Likewise, there are hydroalcoholic gel dispensers at the access point and the measure of maintaining the interpersonal safety distance of at least 1.5 meters in the enclosure and outside it is still in force.
During the opening hours of the Municipal Market of Foietes, a surveillance service will be available to guarantee safety and compliance with regulations with special attention to crowds, which must be avoided.
In case of peaks of influx and maximum capacity, access will be prevented until its regulation, having to wait, in an organized and normative way, for the reopening of income, maintaining the physical safety distance, then giving priority of access to the elderly. .
The Department of Commerce advises that the time of permanence of the consumers in the grounds of the Municipal Market of Foietes is strictly necessary for the acquisition of the products, avoiding unnecessary delays.
It is recalled from the City Council that only vendors may touch the goods and products on display, and they will do so with protective gloves. They should always wear a mask and follow the instructions and hygiene and health recommendations against Covid-19
The Municipal Market of Foietes resumed its commercial activity with anti-Covid regulations on July 1, 2020 with 87 food stalls in a new distribution and in terms of delimitation, accesses, corridors and exhibition and sale area.