Once completed, the area will have 2,585 new trees, more than 3,600 shrubs and CO2 emissions will be reduced by almost 1,800 tons in 40 years
The landscape regeneration of the old Racó de l’Infern quarry is progressing according to forecasts

The landscape and environmental regeneration of Racó de l'Infern quarry, located in the Serra Gelada Natural Park, is progressing at a good pace and following the forecasts, as confirmed today by those responsible for the action, TM Grupo Inmobiliario and Grupo Bertolín, to Mayor Toni Pérez, who visited the place accompanied by the Councilors for Urban Planning and the Environment, Lourdes Caselles and Mónica Gómez.
The regeneration is carried out with the materials that are being extracted from the plot on which the athletics track is built, in the Partial Plan 2/1 Poniente, whose development agent is TM Grupo Inmobiliario. It is estimated that around 160,000 cubic meters of inert materials will be moved throughout the entire project over the time that the clearing and adaptation of the land continues.
The first phase of the work, now completed, consisted of conditioning the access to the quarry to allow the safe transit of trucks transporting materials for the restoration. Once this phase was completed, which began at the beginning of January, the work area was cleared, the invasive plants were removed and the morphological restoration phase of the hole in the old quarry began, which is where The jobs are now found.
Once this phase has been completed, the soil will be prepared for reforestation and a drainage network will be built to avoid washing away. Afterwards, revegetation will be carried out, which will be done with native trees and shrubs of which there are still specimens in the area, such as pines (1,005 specimens), olive trees (862), carob trees (718), palmetto, black hawthorn, mastic trees. and rosemary. In total, 2,585 new trees and about 3,650 shrubs.
Toni Pérez has highlighted that with this “very important” intervention “the profile of the mountain is restored”, “a Mediterranean forest is recreated that generates an ecosystem that favours a biodiversity of flora and fauna”, and “a bit of rock of the quarry, following the instructions given to us by the Natural Spaces technicians of the Department, to encourage the life of birds of prey on the rock wall that exists in the environment.
The landscape and environmental regeneration of the quarry will reduce “1,796 tons of CO2 over 40 years, will offset 40% of the GHG emissions – greenhouse gases – of the Industrial Sector, will multiply the green areas of PP 2/1 by three and is equivalent to the middle of the great 'green lung' designed in Ensanche de Levante” stated the mayor.
According to the forecasts managed by Grupo Bertolín, the company hired by TM Grupo Inmobiliario to carry out the regeneration, this summer the morphological restoration work will have been completed and in the autumn the planting of trees and shrub species will take place so that, if everything goes well On time, the work will be completed by Christmas.
Toni Pérez has highlighted that the recovery of this space of just over 60,000 square meters is “a unique project, a project of the city and for the city that is also linked to four Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda.” The first mayor has stressed that it is “a project totally in tune with our development strategy, with our commitment to compliance with the SDGs, and with the policies that the local administration is promoting to make Benidorm an increasingly more sustainable and with a higher quality of life.”