Members of Hoguera La Cala visit the users of the social associations based in this center
Fogueres de Sant Joan arrive at 'Pepa Esperanza' Social Center
With the start of the Fogueres de Sant Joan calendar, members of the Hoguera La Cala have travelled today to the 'Pepa Esperanza' municipal centre, located in this same neighbourhood, to visit the users of the social associations that have their headquarters there. and share with them a lunch with products as typical of these dates as 'fartons' and almond milk. The mayor, Toni Pérez, also participated in this meeting; and the councillors of Fiestas and Social Welfare, Mariló Cebreros and Ángela Zaragozí; among other members of the local government.
During the visit, the presidents of AFA, AFEM and Asmibe gave a gift to Bellea del Foc de la Hoguera La Cala.