Employment teaches to create your own company with Emprendeaventur @ 2017
María Jesús Pinto encourages entrepreneurs who have an idea to get it started
The Department of Employment, together with the Center for Research Companies (CEEI) of Elche, Caixabank, Invat.tur and the associations of young entrepreneurs (Jovempa) and women entrepreneurs (Memba) of the Marina Baixa, has launched the initiative Emprendeaventur @ Benidorm 2017 that this morning has been presented by the head of the area, María Jesús Pinto, accompanied by the director general of the CEEI, Joaquín Alcázar; The director of the Business Area of Caixabanc, Adrià Conesa and Juan Jesús Ruiz, Jovempa and Kika Rodríguez, from Memba.
Emprendeaventur @ 2017 is a program aimed at "every person in Benidorm who intends to start the adventure of undertaking" and set up his/her own company, said María Jesús Pinto. With this initiative, Employment aims to "train entrepreneurs" by supporting them "by defining their business techniques" and improving "business management".
María Jesús Pinto has encouraged all those people who have an idea "who have a project and who have an illusion, to do so" stressing that the technical staff of the Department and the Agency for Employment and Local Development "we are here to help throughout".
The program of Emprendeaventur @ 2017 consists of five modules that will be developed in the Training Center for Employment 'Pepita Puchades' during the month of May: From idea to business opportunity (May 2). Generation of Business Models (May 4). Successful Marketing (May 11). How do I make my economic and financial plan (May 18). The last session will consist of the presentation of projects (25 May). In this regard, Joaquín Alcázar has said that participants will be taught to detect the "opportunities that occur in the economic and social environment" and how "from there can arise and create new ideas" that will succeed. Alcázar has influenced the need to establish a "marketing strategy" because a company that does not start selling, in which "the box does not click, click every day, difficult is going to have its development." Participants in the project will receive bibliographic support material and the most outstanding project will be awarded with a tablet.
For his part, the representative of Caixabanc, which finances the 3,450 euros that the plan costs, Adrià Conesa, highlighted the "attachment" of the entity to the city where it has "seven offices" and what the bank knows and Can contribute to the generation of new business projects. Finally, the representatives of Jovempa and Memba have been proud to participate in the project and are ready to have their partners and collaborators actively participate in the development of Emprendeaventur @ in this edition and those that will be programmed in the future.
Registration in Emprendeaventur @ 2017 is free and can be done through the website of the CEEI Elche (http://ceeielche.emprenemjunts.es) and the municipal portal http://empleo.benidorm.org.