The Department of Employment and Local Development and Upapsa join to promote the employment of people with disabilities
The Councilor for Employment and Local Development, Mónica Gómez, and the Labor Insertion Technician of the Provincial Union of Associations Pro-Disabled Psychic of Alicante (Upapsa), Blas Carrión, have held a meeting to address the work developed by this entity in the field of labor integration of people with functional diversity in our city.
Mónica Gómez has advanced the possibility of formalizing a collaboration agreement with Upapsa to reinforce the activity that develops the Employment and Local Development Agency, aimed at "the labor insertion and maintenance of employment of people with disabilities and special difficulties of insertion in the labor market, using the different tools necessary so that their labor integration in the private company is full and effective ".
Another of the initiatives included in the Labor Insertion program for people with disabilities carried out by Upapsa was developed this week in the City Hall, where a career counselor has held professional orientation interviews with people with disabilities, all of them residents in Benidorm and region.