The registration was pending since 1984 and in recent years it has been claimed by Benidorm on several occasions
The 'castellum' in Tossal de la Cala is already Cultural Heritage Asset

With the incorporation of the site, the city already has three Cultural Heritage Assets
The 'castellum' in Tossal de la Cala is already an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC). The Ministry of Culture proceeded on July 7 to register the Roman fort from the 1st century BC in the first section of the General Inventory of Valencian Cultural Heritage, thus completing a process that began in 1984 and that from the Benidorm City Council it had been claimed repeatedly in recent years, the last of which was last March.
The mayor, Toni Pérez, has indicated that "this inscription constitutes the culmination of a just claim, in which the City Council has persevered and in which it has always gone hand in hand with the academic community, which in successive reports and scientific publications It has influenced the capital importance of this site, the one that has provided archaeologists with the most information to date on the military constructions of Republican Rome”.
"We are talking about a site with an undoubted heritage value, now officially recognized, in which the City Council has invested significant economic resources and also from Europe, to recover it and put it in value, aware in addition to its potential and tourist dimension”.
This year the works of the 'castellum' to make it into a museum have been undertaken, with an investment of just over 400,000 euros within 'Benidorm DTI+Seguro' Tourism Sustainability Plan. With this project, intervention has been made in spaces that to date had practically not been excavated to finish delimiting the fortification, an even more accessible site has been achieved and the most significant and unique remains and finds are being protected.
The works have been partially suspended to facilitate visits to the site during the summer season and that will be resumed after the summer when the relief discovered at the beginning of 2020 will be placed; it is of exceptional historical significance and is currently hidden.
Toni Pérez stressed that "the recognition of Tossal de la Cala as a Cultural Heritage Asset means to obtain new funds to continue working in the site", while "it joins the list of top-level heritage assets in Benidorm ”. Thus, "with the 'castellum,' there are now three Cultural Heritage Assets that the city treasures, which had already recognized such Torre de les Caletes and Torre de Morales".