The actions will improve road traffic and road safety at one of the main entrances to the city through Levante
Benidorm will begin in the next few days the creation of two roundabouts in Ciudad Real and Derramador streets and will pave the upper part of Rincón

Benidorm City Council, through the Department of Urban Scene, will undertake in the coming days the creation of two roundabouts in Rincón de Loix to improve mobility in a busy area as it is one of the main accesses to the area from Levante.
The first roundabout will be located at the junction of Ciudad Real Street and Bernat de Sarrià Avenue to improve road safety and improve traffic. In the opinion of the Councilor for Urban Scene and Mobility, José Ramón González de Zárate, this is an action "essential to improving traffic and mobility."
As he specified, the roundabout "will allow the residents of all the surrounding streets to have access and exit without traffic lights or police" and he has ensured that it's commissioning "will provide more fluidity and safety to traffic and residents will spend less time than sooner in arriving at their homes, and without traffic lights or withholdings”.
The second roundabout will be located at the intersection of Derramador and Bernat de Sarriá avenues, next to the recently created park-and-ride park near the Pueblo hotel. "The two roundabouts will begin in a few days with the intention that they are finished throughout this month or the beginning of the next one" pointed out González de Zárate, who added that "they will give more permeability to traffic at an entrance to the city by Levante that registers an important passage of vehicles”.
On the other hand, the Department also advanced that in a few days, a paving campaign will also begin in some streets of Rincón de Loix, in the upper part of the neighborhood, which will affect roads such as Vienna, Amsterdam, Paris, Rotterdam or Paris. "El Rincón is one of the priorities of this government team, as evidenced by the works already completed on streets such as Severo Ochoa or the asphalting carried out in Ciudad Real, Ametlla de Mar or London" the mayor stated.
In this case, the work is carried out "because it is necessary given the state of the road" argued the councilor, who reiterated that "a lot of effort must be dedicated and that is what we are doing with streets that we have already finished such as Bern, Manuel Catalán Chana, Rome or Monte Carlo”.