Copies have also been replaced where necessary without losing parking spaces
Benidorm plants nearly 200 trees in Els Tolls neighborhood to continue improving of area

Citizenship Participation encourages neighbours to present their proposals to improve the neighbourhood
Els Tolls neighbourhood has around two hundred more trees after the planting carried out by Benidorm City Council. An action that has also involved the replanting of specimens in places where it was necessary, either due to the death of the tree or due to having suffered episodes of vandalism.
'A pie de Calle' campaign visited the area today, specifically Italia and Virgen del Rocío streets, where several specimens have been planted that will turn the concrete passage that connects the neighbourhood with Colonia Madrid. At this point, the councillors of Parks and Gardens, José Ramón González de Zárate; Citizenship Participation, Ana Pellicer; Urban Scene, Francis Muñoz, and Street Cleaning, Luis Navarro have explained to a large group of neighbours the actions carried out and the projects underway for the neighbourhood.
In this sense, councillor Ana Pellicer has encouraged them to present proposals to the participatory budget so that they can be included in the actions carried out next year, for which a minimum of 600,000 euros will be available. Proposals that could improve the neighbourhood in streets such as Suiza, Islandia or Noruega.
For his part, González de Zárate stated that on Italia Street alone “we have planted more than a hundred trees” and highlighted that “we are carrying out an important improvement in the neighbourhood with the planting of about 200 specimens of mulberry, banana and Tipuana, which are species that come in very handy.”
The councillor stressed that the objective is "to achieve comfortable and pleasant neighbourhoods in the city to walk around, that have shade, and that is why we carry out these actions to naturalize the city and improve the atmosphere." González de Zárate has specified that Benidorm has more than 25,000 road trees "not counting those in large parks such as Sequia Mare or El Moralet." “Few cities the size of Benidorm or similar can say that they have that many trees,” he added. This situation occurs because "in each project we undertake we take it into account and plan the placement of trees."
The mayor has indicated that, contrary to what some may think, adding more trees does not mean losing parking spaces. “If one is removed, another is created,” he stated.
The tree planting covers the entire Els Tolls neighbourhood “from Andalucía Avenue to Virgen del Rocío and Italia Street and has also been planted in streets such as Luxembourg, Portugal and sections that did not have them before. And in other places, we have made boulevards that were previously just a concrete track that served as access. In short, having comfortable and friendly walks that serve as a connection between neighbourhoods.”