For two weeks the traffic of the upper section of Orts Llorca and the surroundings will be closed, and only fords will be able to access
Benidorm completes the work to divert part of the rainwater from the upper part of Els Tolls to l'Aigüera Ravine

The work that will allow part of the rainwater from the upper part of Els Tolls neighborhood to be diverted to l’Aigüera ravine will enter its last phase on Monday, November 2; an action included within the project for the first phase of remodeling Mediterráneo Avenue. The Councilor for Works, José Ramón González de Zárate, has indicated that this action “will mitigate the flow of rainwater that reaches Orts Llorca avenue collector, transferring it to l'Aigüera ravine, which has enough capacity to take over the water that come from the upper part of Els Tolls ”.
De Zárate has clarified that "with this work, lasting about two weeks, we complete the restructuring and renovation of the hydraulic infrastructures in the area, and we can forget the images of a Mediterranean avenue flooded on rainy days" .
The work is located on Orts Llorca avenue at the intersection with Esperanto and Lepanto streets.
As detailed by the mayor, the works will consist of the execution of a 3.5 meter drive that would connect Orts Llorca collector to Esperanto collector, which is already linked to l’Aigüera ravine.
While this action lasts, traffic will be restricted in the upper section of Orts Llorca avenue; in the section of Esperanto street between Juan Llorca and Orts Llorca; on Ibiza Street between Europe and Esperanto; and in Lepanto between Europa and Orts Llorca. In any case, access will be allowed to the fords and residents affected by the traffic cut. Likewise, the direction of traffic will be reversed in the designated section of Lepanto Street.