The city has defibrillators at the rescue points, lifeboats and ambulances
Benidorm beaches renew their certificate as 'Cardioprotected Space'

The beaches of Levante, Poniente and Mal Pas have renewed for two years the certificate that accredits them as 'Cardioprotected Spaces', once the technicians of the Mediterranean Institute of Cardioprotection have verified that there are defibrillators and that they are "perfectly accessible" and duly signed. " This has been explained today by the Councilor for Beaches, Lorenzo Martínez, who stressed that "we are still committed to safety" and that "the quality service offered by the concessionaire makes us a spearhead in rescue"
Martínez pointed out that each point of health care has its own defibrillator, as well as the lifeboat and ambulances that provide their service on the beaches. In addition, he stressed that "all the staff working on the beaches," from lifeguards to hammocks, "are trained to use these defibrillators" which makes "the answer" in case of heart attack "fast."
Precisely the training of personnel in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and in the use and management of each defibrillator are two of the basic requirements for obtaining and renewing this certificate.
According to data provided by the Mediterranean Institute of Cardiopathies, around 24,500 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur each year in Spain.