The soldier in the Reserve also explained to the attendees some keys about the war in Ukraine
Admiral Rodríguez Garat speaks in Benidorm about the usefulness of the Navy in the 21st century

The Admiral of the Spanish Navy Juan Rodríguez Garat, in the Reserve, offered a conference yesterday afternoon in the Assembly Hall of the Benidorm City Council organized by the Frax Foundation. Under the title 'The Navy, a relic from other times or a useful tool in the 21st century?', the speaker explained to those present some of the most important roles of the Navy in our times and, as an expert, also provided some keys to the current war in Ukraine.
During his speech, he spoke about the prejudices of many people towards the Navy or the Armed Forces and recalled that, although centuries ago, it was at the service of the elites, now the situation is very different "because the Armed Forces belong to all the people, of all”. A force, the military, that "follows the instructions of parliament, which is the one who commissions its actions." The Navy is, he said, "a tool of the Spanish and at the service of the Spanish."
Rodríguez Garat also highlighted the role of the Navy in national security, in the fight against illegal immigration mafias, stabilization operations, the fight against piracy or support for the State Security Forces and Bodies.
The admiral ended his conference with three conclusions: “we are the enemy, deterrence is necessary and peace is fragile”.
On the war in Ukraine, he left some reflections on which he was asked, such as the fact of ruling out a nuclear war or the impossibility of Russia attacking other territories such as Estonia "because it knows that it would lose a conventional war".