The Cultural Center hosts a gala to recognize the work of the seven presidents who have led the entity
The mayor of Benidorm supports Club Opinión in the celebration of its 15th anniversary

The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, has supported Club Opinión on the 15th anniversary of its foundation, an anniversary that was celebrated this Thursday night in the Auditorium of the Cultural Center and where the seven people in charge were honored. of the entity during these fifteen years of history: Juan Balastegui, Isabel Fuster, Paco Gascón, Nino Guillén, Luis María Sánchez Bernal, Vicente Bolufer, and Manuel Ciges, the current leader of the club, who intervened to give a brief review of the most notable moments of their respective mandates.
The first mayor took the stage to present the commemorative plaque to the current president of Opinion Club, after which he publicly thanked the disseminating work and the activities organized within the programming of this entity since 2008, which have allowed "enjoying in Benidorm the most relevant figures from all areas of the national panorama” in more than 150 events, conferences, colloquium dinners, and seminars.
Around 450 people, including numerous members of the Municipal Corporation, filled the Cultural Center Auditorium to follow the event live.
It was presented by Mr. Corrales, who in addition to serving as master of ceremonies was also in charge of giving his motivational and attitudinal conference called 'MotivAcción'.