Rocío Rodríguez and Alma Caballero, ‘xana’ y ‘xanina’ of the House of Asturias in the Marina Baixa
A drizzly day to celebrate Asturias Day in Benidorm

Benidorm has celebrated today, September 7, the Day of Asturias, a festive day of this Spanish community that in the Principado of Asturias is commemorated tomorrow 8, the festivity of the Virgin of Covadonga. For this reason, the House of Asturias of the Marina Baixa has organized various events that began on Friday with the second Cider Contest, at Plaza de Sus Majestades los Reyes de España.
In the morning, coinciding with the event, there has been an exhibition and sale of typical Asturian products with designation of origin in the tents installed in front of the City Hall, all enlivened by the Gijonesa Artistic Group and music of bagpipes. The weather has allied with the House of Asturias, as in the last three celebrations of the day of Asturias. Rain drops in the form of ‘drizzle’ greeted participants arriving from Asturias for the occasion, which made them feel at home.
At 7:00 p.m., in Óscar Esplá amphitheater of Parque de l’Aigüera, the official event took place in which the new ‘xanas’ of the House of Asturias, Rocío Rodríguez and Alma Caballero have been exalted. Next, María Cabeza, and Aitor García Corte, mayor of the Asturian town of Bimenes, have read the proclamation of the festivities together. Then, the president of the House of Asturias of the Marina Baixa, Ramón Carrillo, has delivered the 'Pelayo de Honor', a distinction that this year has been for the City of Gijón, in his representation he has collected Juan Carnicero award. Among the public, representatives of the regional houses, the queens of the Festes Majors Patronals 2019, Marina Carrillo and Paula Mayor; and the presidents of the Comissió and the Associació de clubs ‘Verge del Sofratge’, Roberto Carretero and Coli Pérez.
Finally, Jesús Carrobles has taken the floor, on behalf of the municipal corporation to thank “the effort that the House of Asturias makes year after year” to highlight the presence of the natives of the Principado de Asturias in Benidorm. Carrobles has recalled the warm welcome that a delegation of Benidorm City Council had last year in Gijón.
After the protocol events, the end of the party began, which will last until dawn where the Gijonesa Group and the Xolgoriu Folk Group and Duo Luna musical group will perform. The commemorative events of Asturias Day in Benidorm will end tomorrow Sunday with the closure of the Cider Contest.