This initiative organized by the Department of Health in collaboration with the Department of Equality will be developed in the most important events of the city
Benidorm opens a point of Sexual Health in the Pride for awareness and early detection of sexually transmitted diseases

Benidorm opens during the Pride a Sexual Health Point focused on promoting sexual health to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. The councillor of Equality, Ángela Zaragozí, has indicated that “the Department collaborates, together with the people in charge of Benidorm Pride, at this Point, organized by the Department of Health of the Marina Baixa and by the Coordinator of Associations for the Fight against AIDS of the Valencian Community (CALCSICOVA) and the Alicante Citizen Association for HIV (ACAVIH) ”.
Zaragozí explained that “it is an initiative that is intended to be developed in the important festivals that take place in our municipality, as is the case of Benidorm Pride, as we already do from the Department with the Violet Point of prevention of sexual harassment "
This point will be active tomorrow Thursday during the White Party scheduled at Óscar Esplá auditorium of Parque de l'Aigüera and on Saturday 7th at the three parties planned at Julio Iglesias, and will be attended by volunteers from associations and medical professionals that “during the celebration of the festivals, offer information, training and awareness on the promotion of sexual health, prevention of HIV, HCV and other sexually transmitted diseases”. In addition, this Point of Sexual Health offers the possibility of performing “the rapid test and early diagnosis of HIV”.