The experts dismiss the allegations presented to the PACES and insist that the emission reduction objectives are "coherent and adjusted"
The government of Benidorm has approved the plans for sustainable energy and against climate change

The government team will take this month to fully approve the 'Action Plan for Climate and Sustainable Energy (PACES) and the 'Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (PAAC), two documents that place Benidorm "as a benchmark and pioneer in promoting specific actions to combat climate change and to be more efficient and resilient every day”, as indicated by the Councilor for Urban Scene, José Ramón González de Zárate.
As reported by the mayor, "both documents, which include Benidorm's commitments in favour of sustainability and against climate change, were initially approved in full" and "during the period of public exposure, the socialist municipal group in the City Council and the Workers' Commissions union (CCOO) presented allegations. These allegations have been studied by the municipal technicians, who have proposed that they be dismissed.
De Zárate explained that "in the allegations, the Socialists questioned the objectives set out in the PACES regarding the reduction of greenhouse gases, the use of renewable energies or the improvement of energy efficiency". “We already said at the beginning of the month -he recalled- that the PACES is dimensioned to the objectives to which the city committed itself with its Adherence to the Covenant of Mayors and that apply to it right now; and now the technicians confirm it”.
Specifically, the technical report establishes that the objectives of the PACES are "coherent and adjusted" according to "the commitments made" by Benidorm; and adds that they can be reviewed "throughout the development of the plan, based on monitoring reports and regulatory provisions" issued by higher administrations while the plan is in force.
The "realistic goals and achievable objectives" that Benidorm has set and to which it committed itself with its adherence to the Covenant of Mayors in February 2019 include reducing greenhouse gases by at least 40%, increasing the use of energy from renewable sources and improving energy efficiency by 27% by 2030, in addition to increasing its resilience to climate change
Given the technical reports the allegations presented to both plans were answered in detail, and the definitive approval proposal includes rejecting all the questions raised by the PSOE and CCOO. "Thus, the green light will be given to PACES and PAAC, our roadmap for the coming years, and with them to the first actions scheduled in the calendar". “It is important that we continue advancing and that we implement as soon as possible and in a progressive and coordinated manner all the solutions that contribute to preventing human action from causing damage to the planet and also to mitigate the effects of climate change on the territory, the economy and society. ”.