The amount reaches 50% of the expenses made by students to travel to universities in the Community that not have this service
Education grants 2,240 euros to cover the cost of transporting university students to their campuses

Benidorm City Council has granted individual aid worth 2,239.86 euros to help with transport for Benidorm residents who study at the university and whose campuses lack the associative service that the Council itself organizes to travel to the University of Alicante or Miguel Hernández University in San Juan. The Councilor for Education, Maite Moreno, has explained that this Council has resolved the call for the granting of said aid and that they will reach a total of "20 students, to whom the City Council will pay 50 per cent of the expense they incurred to travel to their respective faculties between October 2023 and June 2024."
Maite Moreno has recalled that this line of aid is aimed at university students enrolled in universities in the provinces of Alicante – except for the University of Alicante and San Juan campus –, Valencia and Castellón for which there is no associative transport. The aim is to “lighten the cost of the bus or train that these young people from Benidorm have made throughout the last academic year to travel to the public higher education centres of the three provinces”.
Moreno indicated that “as in previous academic years, the amount of aid for this non-associative university transport is proportional to the expense that the student has paid and justified for this concept between October 2023 and June 2024, not exceeding 50% of it”.
UNIBUS Service
The councillor also recalled that, apart from these aids for non-associative transport, the Department of Education also organises other similar aids to “subsidise the price of travel for students from the University of Alicante and San Juan University campus”, as well as for those who work in their faculties or study vocational training in nearby centres. This is the UNIBUS service, “a service that the City Council itself finances and makes available to students and which during the last academic year registered an average of 275 users per day”, according to Moreno.
All the information about this service is included on the website