This first aid corresponds to minors born in 2019 and 2020 who already obtained the subsidy in last year
Education begins to deliver the first 664 aid for the purchase of school supplies for children from 3 to 5 years old

The Department of Education of the Benidorm City Council has begun this week to deliver the first vouchers corresponding to municipal aid for school supplies for students in the 2nd cycle of Early Childhood Education in public and catholic schools of Benidorm. The mayor of the area, Maite Moreno, explained that in this first phase, the vouchers will be delivered to the 664 minors included ex officio made by the Department, which includes the students born in the years 2019 and 2020 who “Already obtained this aid last year 2023-2024 and they continue to be registered and meet the rest of the requirements.”
Moreno recalled that, for the third consecutive year, the amount of aid will amount to 63 euros for each minor, an amount with which "the City Council contributes to reducing the disbursement of school supplies that families registered in Benidorm have to make in this cycle, in which schooling is not yet compulsory. And, therefore, we also contribute to promoting this early schooling,” added the councillor.
Like in previous years, different delivery points have been established depending on the school where the beneficiaries are enrolled.
Thus, in the Education Department, located on the third floor of the City Hall, vouchers will be collected from the students of the CEIP Gabriel Miró, Mestre Gaspar López and Leonor Canalejas, as well as those from Nuestra Señora de los Dolores catholic centre. In the administrative extension of Els Tolls, the delivery of vouchers for students from CEIP Puig Campana and CEIP Els Tolls is centralized; while the students of the Bautista Lledó, Aitana and Vasco Núñez de Balboa schools have been assigned the administrative extension of Foietes-Colonia Madrid.
The administrative extension of La Cala is the collection point for the families of boys and girls enrolled in the CEIP La Cala and El Murtal; that of Racó de l’Oix, for the Serra Gelada school; and in the Alfredo Corral-Maravall extension, for the students of the Ausiàs March and Miguel Hernández centers.
The voucher will only be delivered to the applicant. If you are not the applicant, you must provide authorization signed by the applicant, accompanied by a photocopy of both of your IDs. Likewise, duplicates will not be issued due to loss, theft or deterioration.
The Councilor for Education recalled that "these purchase vouchers can be exchanged until November 15 in Benidorm businesses participating in the initiative."
Specifically, these collaborating businesses are Librería Contalles, Librería Francés, Librería Ulises, Gráficas Maravall and Espriu Benidorm.
Moreno has announced that in the coming weeks, the list of beneficiary students whose families requested aid between April 8 and June 30 will be published; The third batch will include minors whose families processed the application from July 1 to August 15; The fourth will correspond to the procedures carried out from August 16 to 31, while 'set V' will include those included from September 1 to 30. Finally, there will be a last aid to address the resources presented.
“The link to request this aid remains open until September 30,” added the mayor, both for 4 and 5-year-old students who did not obtain the aid last year 2023-2024 due to failing to comply with any of the requirements and for the new 3-year-old students who will join the classrooms this year. The application must be submitted electronically, through the Electronic Headquarters of the Benidorm City Council, at the address, catalog of services, EDUCATION, select procedure: “Aid for School Supplies 2nd cycle of Education Children Course 20242025”.
Those interested can find all the information by clicking on the following link: