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The City Council installed air conditioning equipment in the classrooms to ensure the well-being of students and teachers

Delivery of diplomas of the Educational Support Program for Primary students

28 August 2020
Entrega de diplomas del Programa de Apoyo Educativo para estudiantes de Primaria

With the delivery of the accrediting diplomas, the Summer Educational Support Program (PAEV), of the Department of Education, has ended today. Students and teachers have gathered at CEIP Ausiàs March facilities to collect their accrediting diplomas in an act in which the mayor, Toni Pérez, and the councilor for Education, Maite Moreno, have intervened.

Toni Pérez has pointed out that the PAEV is a program that serves to “improve the academic performance” of students in a year in which it has been “more necessary than ever”, given the situation experienced after the lock down and the health crisis caused by the Covid-19. In this context, the City Council has offered the program completely free of charge and has allowed 70 students to benefit from it. "The objective - said the mayor - is to facilitate that all families can have access to this resource in an accessible way" and demonstrate that "the city is next to their families and their smallest neighbors."

To guarantee the well-being of students and teachers during the teaching process, the City Council has also contributed with the installation of air conditioning equipment in the three classrooms of Ausiàs March school for the activity. It has also been guaranteed that the educational service has been provided within the strictest protocols, guaranteeing at all times the security measures established by the health and academic authorities, applying the health protocol for the development of free time activities and educational leisure of the Generalitat.

Among the measures adopted, the mandatory use of hydroalcoholic gel, disinfectant mats, temperature measurement, a minimum safety distance of 1.5 meters, ventilation, cleaning and disinfection systems, individualized material, and gradual entrances and exits. In addition, a specific action protocol was drawn up in case any participant had shown symptoms that, fortunately, did not have to be applied.

Toni Pérez has finished his speech by remembering and thanking the work done by the team of municipal staff that year after year is part of the PAEV that intends that "the return to school is with the maximum guarantees so that we have children more prepared than ever."