The City Council joins the UNED initiative 'A book x a kilo' in favor of Corazón Exprés

The Benidorm Centre associated with the National University of Distance Education (UNED) organizes today, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., a solidarity event called 'A book x a kilo', where food is exchanged for books and this year reaches its eleventh edition. On this occasion, in favour of the Corazón Exprés charity association.
Its promoters have installed a stand on Tomás Ortuño Street, next to the entrance to the Municipal Market, where the promoters will collect non-perishable food and hygiene products, which will then be donated to this entity that helps people or families in an emergency.
At noon, a municipal delegation headed by the mayor, Toni Pérez, came to that stand to collaborate with the initiative, providing different products previously acquired in local businesses.
The first mayor recalled that 'A book x a kilo' is "an event that year after year is very well received in our city and in which the solidarity of the people of Benidorm with those who need it most is demonstrated."