Among the new personnel there are five Local Police agents, Youth technicians, social educators, a psychologist and an Innovation agent
The City Council hires 13 workers to strengthen the workforce in different municipal services

Benidorm City Council has hired thirteen new workers to strengthen the workforce of different municipal services and departments where vacant positions or an expansion of staff was necessary for better functioning. The Councilor for Human Resources, Ana Soliveres, presided over the inauguration this Thursday and welcomed all these workers, whom she invited to “devote themselves to their new tasks with responsibility, as we do not doubt that they will.” be".
The new personnel pool includes five agents who will immediately join the staff of the Benidorm Local Police. Of them, three are public servants in other municipalities and arrive to strengthen the police force over the next two years; one, through a position exchange and the last joins the vacancy of a leave of absence, as the councillor has transferred.
Ana Soliveres has highlighted that these additions to the Local Police "occur a few days before the start of Holy Week and ahead of the high season, which in addition to expanding the staffing of this body, will contribute to reinforcing the police presence." in the streets during these days and, with it, citizen safety.”
Two social educators, a social integrator, three Youth technicians, a psychologist and a local Innovation agent also took office this Thursday, all of them to fill vacant positions in the staff on an interim basis.
Finally, the Councilor for Human Resources recalled that the City Council has other selective processes in place to continue incorporating personnel, in the most agile way possible, in different positions where they are needed. “The objective is to gradually strengthen all municipal departments, according to the needs of each moment and following the processes established by the legislation,” the councillor concluded.