The cut will last two days due to the works on San Marcos street, although access will be allowed for residents and urban transport
Benidorm will close to traffic tomorrow the section of Avenida de l'Aigüera between Ondulada and Orxeta Streets

The Department of Urban Scene has reported today that tomorrow, Thursday, traffic will be cut off on l'Aigüera Avenue due to the works to improve mobility and accessibility that are being carried out on San Marcos Street. These works, specifically, are carried out to connect San Marcos Street with l'Aigüera Avenue as the neighbors had requested.
The traffic cut will affect the section of the avenue between Ondulada and Orxeta streets and is due to the need to park machinery necessary for work on the road. However, the Department clarified that access to urban transport and resident vehicles whose fords are in this section will be allowed.
The closure to traffic will be extended for two days, Thursday and Friday, from 8 in the morning to approximately 8 p.m., so that at night it will be possible to travel through that point.
The Councilor for Mobility, José Ramón González de Zárate, has asked for "patience and understanding from the affected residents", although he has indicated that the works are necessary "to improve mobility and accessibility in this area and it is a work that responds to the residents' request.
In this sense, he explained, the action will allow "to address a historical claim from residents such as being able to access l'Aigüera Avenue with their vehicles" by enabling such connection with a low-density road in semi-pedestrian mode.