The Governing Board awards the new project that expands the environmental protection of this green lung, one of the key actions of EDUSI Benidorm
Benidorm guarantees the fire protection of El Moralet

The Governing Board of Benidorm City Council has approved the award of the new project to improve fire protection in El Moralet. The action, framed in the Sustainable and Integrative Urban Development Strategy (EDUSI) of Benidorm, consolidates the improvement of El Moralet, carried out last year, with forestry work in a new area of 60 hectares and surveillance cameras to protect the resilience of this green lung to fires.
“Last year we regenerated El Moralet park, valuing this natural space as an accessible, safe, and comfortable green lung for citizens,” recalled the mayor of Benidorm Toni Pérez. "Now we continue to improve El Moralet with a new project that, with the installation of surveillance cameras connected to the fire station and with new clearance and cleaning works, will allow us to protect the fire protection of this green area that has become “a reference space for Benidorm residents and a key place for practicing sports and recreation.”
The newly approved improvement, also known as the second phase of El Moralet, will act on the 60 hectares of the previous phase. Forestry work will be carried out, such as pruning, thinning, and clearing of vegetation, to reduce the combustibility of El Moralet and thus prevent fires.
The action also includes innovative fire protection measures. “Continuing our commitment to sustainability, we will install autonomous fire surveillance cameras powered by solar energy,” added Mayor Toni Pérez. “These cameras expand the firefighting measures that we already carried out last year, such as the firebreak area and hydrants, to ensure the protection and resilience of El Moralet to fires and climate change.”
Framed within the Sustainable and Integrative Urban Development Strategy of Benidorm, the fire protection action in El Moralet Park has an investment of 499,976 euros, financed 50% between Benidorm City Council and the European ERDF funds. The project, which has just been awarded, responds to the sixth thematic objective of EDUSI of “improvement of urban green areas.”
The Pluriregional Operational Program of Spain 2014-2020, and the Sustainable Growth Operational Program (POCS) promote the DUSI strategy, of Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development, of which Benidorm, as established in the Resolution of May 4, 2018 published in The Official State Gazette (BOE) of the Order of the Third Call HFP/888/2017, has managed to opt for and obtain FEDER aid financing of 10 Million Euros, through its EDUSI BENIDORM strategy.
The EDUSI BENIDORM is made up of a series of thematic, specific, strategic and operational objectives, encompassed through 13 Lines of Action, whose social, environmental, economic and urban impact on the city aims to transform a delimited urban area of the city into the to intervene and regenerate comprehensively, in order to produce a global impact and improvement in the city.