Toni Pérez stated at the opening that "governments have a permanent obligation to facilitate access to employment."
Benidorm conference about 'Disability and Employment' addresses the keys to job placement for people with disabilities

Benidorm City Hall Auditorium hosted the "Disability and Employment" conference today, organized by the Benidorm Employment Board. Under the heading "Benefits and Incentives for Hiring," the event addressed issues related to the employment of people with disabilities and the aid and subsidies available to companies that choose to hire them.
The conference was opened by Mayor Toni Pérez, who emphasized that "the best social policy is employment" and emphasized that public administrations "have a permanent obligation to facilitate access to employment." He praised the work carried out by the Employment and Local Development Agency and the fact that the unemployment rate is at its lowest in 18 years. "There can be no politics if we don't create jobs for people," stated the mayor, before highlighting the "sensitivity" of the Employment Board.
“We all have to be united in this fight, and that's what Benidorm Employment Board is about. We will continue to work together, united, and in a coordinated manner,” Pérez concluded.
The regional director of Employment, Cortes María Martínez, also attended the opening. She referred to the data “that reflects the difficulty of hiring these people in the province of Alicante” and said she doesn't understand “at this point, the discrimination many of them suffer in the labor market.”
“Why do we continue to put up barriers?” she asked.
Martínez asserted that a disabled person who enters the labor market “doesn't feel or consider themselves excluded because, for them, working means normalizing their lives.” Therefore, she concluded by stating that today's conference was “a space for ideas and opportunities to generate working synergies to promote the labor market integration of people with disabilities. May each participant leave convinced that it is possible to move toward a better society.”
The presentations given today focused on "Bonuses and Hiring Aid," "Labor Services and Business Obligations," "Successful Job Intermediation: Ten Keys to Real Inclusion," and "Business Experience in Managing Inclusive Talent."
Mónica Gómez, Councilor for Employment at Benidorm City Council, closed the event by emphasizing the "work done" by the Employment Board, the "efforts of the administration" in job creation, and urging "continuing to work along these lines to give them the opportunities they deserve, which is what we are here for."