The City Council will undertake eight actions to create comfortable, usable and practicable environments for all people
Benidorm approves the 'Accessibility Improvement 2022' project with a budget of 835,964 euros

The Local Government Board of Benidorm City Council has approved the project called 'Accessibility Improvement 2022' which is part of the Benidorm Universal Accessibility Plan and the Tourist Accessibility Plan. These are "key and backbone" instruments of the actions aimed at Benidorm "advancing its concept of the city as a space for coexistence, to create compressible, usable and practicable environments for all people", explained the mayor Toni Pérez.
This aspect has created the need to act in several areas of the municipal term "to guarantee the safety and comfort of the users of public roads". The action, said the first mayor, consists "in improving the conditions of mobility and accessibility of different areas of the municipality.
Pérez has underlined that in recent years the City Council has undertaken an accessibility policy based on the adaptation of public spaces to people with "any disability" and for this purpose measures have been adopted such as guidance in these spaces, the implementation of platforms unique or acoustic warnings for deafblind people at traffic lights.
He also recalled that in April 2019 the Universal Accessibility Plan was approved to adapt municipal road spaces to people with motor or visual disabilities, and recently the Tourist Accessibility Plan was also approved to enhance and promote the city as a benchmark for tourism for people with disabilities. "The truth is that year after year this government team is allocating economic means to achieve the continuous improvement of roads and public spaces" pointed out the mayor.
The objective of this Accessibility Improvement Plan is to achieve the Accessible Pedestrian Route (IPA) and this happens, Toni Pérez specified, "through works to increase the width of the sidewalks, the creation of lugs at junctions and the promotion of roads with no sidewalks.
According to the approved project, the Accessibility Improvement Plan will be developed in eight actions. The first of them will be held on Infiesto street. The second will take place on Los Limones Avenue and Marqués de Comillas street. The next two will be carried out on Pescadores and Santa Faz streets.
The fifth performance will be on Alfonso Puchades avenue; the sixth on Sierra Dorada street and the last two works will be made in Camí Pla del Cuartel and Abad de Tormes street.