The body approves a budget of 8 million euros for next year
The Water Consortium guarantees during 2019 the supply and irrigation for Benidorm and the region with its own resources

The Marina Baixa Water Consortium estimates that the supply of water for human consumption and for the irrigation of Benidorm and the rest of the municipalities that make up this body "is guaranteed with its own resources" during 2019. This is clear from the Report of Supply addressed during the General Meeting of the Consortium held today in the Plenary Hall of Benidorm City Council, chaired by the President of the Provincial Council of Alicante, César Sánchez; and in which the mayor, Toni Pérez, and the councilor of Ciclo del Agua, José Ramón González de Zárate, have also participated.
A Board in which the budget of the Consortium for the next financial year has been approved, amounting to 8,031,139.66 euros and that includes "an investment similar to 2018".
The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, has indicated that "the report transferred by the technicians of the Consortium confirms that the last episode of rains has allowed the recovery of Algar and Polop aquifers, and also partially that of Beniardá, which makes possible to face with a more favorable perspective the demands of supply and irrigation for next year ".
Pérez explained that "the report states that with a forecast of demands similar to those of this year and with the usual rainfall of an average year in the region, external contributions will not be necessary to guarantee demand, although it is expected to receive August 0.5 cubic hectometres to verify the state of the Conduction Fenollar-Amadorio ".
The same report clarifies that the reservoirs of water in the dams of the region is lower than the one that had at the beginning of the year due to the lack of torrential rains throughout this year, and that, consequently, the volume stored comes mainly of the Beniardá wells and the Algar, Mandem and Torres pumps. Taking into account that the recharge of the reservoirs is therefore "artificial", concludes the report that the ecological flows imposed by the Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar (CHJ) and appealed by the Consortium "do not make any sense".