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These grants provide benefits of 2,000 euros per self-employed person or company with up to 10 workers, with a 200 euros 'extra' contribution per employee

Tomorrow the deadline to request ‘Parenthesis Grants’ opens

01 March 2021
Demà s'obri el termini per a sol·licitar les 'Ajudes Parèntesi'...

They can be requested electronically until March 23 on the website of the City Council

Benidorm City Council opens tomorrow, Tuesday, March 2, at 09:00 a.m. the deadline to request 'Parenthesis Grants', aimed at self-employed, mutualists and small companies with up to 10 employees with tax domicile in the city of a series of affected sectors due to the economic crisis derived from the pandemic.

The Councilor for Employment and Local Development, Mónica Gómez, recalled that these grants are framed within the so-called ‘Plan Resistir’ and are financed by the Town Halls, Provincial Councils and the Generalitat; and its processing is carried out by local entities. Grants that provide "benefits of 2,000 euros for each self-employed person or micro-company that meets the requirements established in the bases, with improvement tranches of 200 euros per employee affiliated with Social Security as of December 31, 2020".

The submission of applications will be done electronically and with an electronic signature through the Electronic Headquarters of the City Council ( and the bases in which the requirements and documentation to be provided are stipulated can be consulted on the municipal website: Applications can be submitted for 15 business days, that is, until 11:59 p.m. on March 23. The councilor for Employment and Local Development has asked applicants to start the procedure once all the required documentation has been collected in order to complete "a single, complete application" and "thus avoid having to correct errors or duplicate files."

Gómez recalled that "the sectors to which these benefits are intended have been set by the Generalitat Valenciana, as well as the amounts that correspond to each municipality." In the case of Benidorm "this economic endowment is around 5.2 million euros, of which the City Council contributes about 790,000", being "the fifth city in the Valencian Community with the largest endowment, given the volume of activities and establishments included within the sectors indicated by the Generalitat ”.

The person in charge of Employment and Local Development has encouraged “these establishments and activities in Benidorm to participate in this call for aid which, like the different lines of aid promoted to date by the City Council, intends to collaborate with the maintenance of expenses that these businesses have continued to endure during these months of pandemic despite the lack or decrease of income, thus contributing to their economic viability ”.

Requirements to access ‘Parenthesis Grants’

To benefit from these grants, you must meet the following requirements:

1.- Be a self-employed person, micro-company of up to 10 workers, mutualists, Communities of Assets and other entities without their own legal personality, that have their fiscal domicile in the city of Benidorm, that are registered on the date of presentation of the request and whose current business volume or annual balance sheet does not exceed 2 million euros.

2.- Develop the activity in one of the economic sectors listed in Annex I of these Terms and Conditions, in accordance with the CNAE code.

3.- Have started their economic activity on or before December 31, 2020 and maintain it at the time of submitting the application for these grants.

4.- Having had and paid current expenses that respond in an undoubted way to the maintenance of their business, professional or commercial activity and that are strictly necessary between April 1, 2020 and today. These expenses may not have been presented to obtain and justify other public aid. 

Documentation to provide:

- Identity document of the requesting natural person; and in the case of a legal person and other entities without legal personality, CIF issued by the Treasury.

- Updated certificate of census status from the Tax Agency, which indicates the economic activity with its registration date and the tax address, with an issuance date after 12/31/2020.

- IBAN number in Annex IV or proof of receipt from the financial institution that proves ownership.

- Resolution / certification of registration in the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers or the corresponding professional Mutual.

- If the requesting person or company has workers under their charge, they must provide the Company's Work Life Report, in which the template appears as of December 31, 2020. If they are self-employed, they must present their Work Life.

- Justified list of eligible expenditure, which will be set out in Annex III.

Eligible expenses

The following are considered eligible expenses:

a) Leasing of the commercial premises.

b) Purchases of merchandise and supplies. The expenses corresponding to goods that are considered inventoried and / or amortizable, such as computer or audiovisual equipment, machinery, vehicles, installations, etc. will not be admissible.

c) Expenses in electricity, water, gas and communications (Internet, telephone, etc.) linked to the business premises where the activity is carried out.

d) Expenses for repairs and conservation, office material, spare parts and consumables, services of independent professionals (consultancies, agencies, computers and similars), personal protective equipment, insurance premiums, advertising  directly linked to commercial activity.

e) Personnel expenses in salaries, wages and social security contributions of the individual entrepreneur or the contributions paid by the company (employer's contribution), in case of having workers on their account.

f) Interest expenses on mortgages linked to the commercial establishment.

g) Other current expenses related to the activity.


List of activities included in the Generalitat decree by CNAE code


4781 Retail trade of food products, beverages and tobacco in stalls and markets

4782 Retail sale of textiles, clothing and footwear at stalls and markets

4789 Retail sale of other products at stalls and markets

5510 Hotels and accommodation

5520 Tourist accommodation and others

5530 Campsites and caravan parks

5590 Other accommodation

5610 Restaurants and food stands

5621 Provision of meals prepared for events

5629 Other food services

5630 Beverage establishments

5914 Film exhibition activities

7911 Travel agency activities

7912 Tour operator activities

7990 Other reservation services

8230 Organization of conventions and fairs

9001 Performing Arts

9002 Auxiliary activities to the performing arts

9003 Artistic and literary creation

9004 Showroom management

9102 Museum activities

9103 Management of historic sites and buildings

9311 Management of sports facilities

9312 Activities of sports clubs

9313 Gymnasium activities

9319 Other sporting activities

9321 Amusement park activities

9329 Other recreational and entertainment activities