Five of them do it by the internal promotion system and another, from Xàbia, through the mobility shift
Six new officers of the Local Police take possession of their position in Benidorm

The staff of the Local Police of Benidorm has from today six new officers after the inauguration ceremony that took place in the Plenary Hall of the Town Hall early this morning, an act that has been presided over by the mayor of the city, Toni Perez.
Of the six new officials, five of them have accessed the position through the modality of internal promotion since they were already agents in the Benidorm squad. The sixth has done it for the mobility shift and comes from Xàbia. The five internal promotion officers will now have to take the command course at the IVASPE in Elche.
At the end of the inauguration ceremony, the mayor congratulated them on their new performance and highlighted their "encouragement to serve their people, the citizenry, and the will to progress." Pérez, in addition, has demanded of them "the enervated service that this position requires", which will bring them "new responsibilities".
In any case, the mayor also wished them "that this position be an incentive for their professional career because this city needs them."