The seventh edition of Benidorm Pride closes the calendar of 'proud' in Europe

The promoters highlight the potential of the city that aspires to become an international referent
The seventh edition of Benidorm Pride, which will be held between 4 and 10 September, will turn Benidorm into a European reference for Pride. "An increasingly important event for the city and that puts the final touch, the closure to the great events of the summer", as the mayor, Toni Pérez, pointed out during the presentation of the program in which he was accompanied by the representatives of the LGBT Benidorm Tourism Association, Santos Torres and Geoff Gartland, promoters of Pride.
The mayor, who also has delegated municipal powers in tourism has thanked the promoters that his association has awarded the corporation with the award 'Tolerance LGBT 2017' that, precisely, will be delivered next week and has recalled that the city has been Present "with his Pride" in Fitur, in the Tourism Fair of Berlin or in the Word Pride 2017 of Madrid with an own stand of the hand of Visit Benidorm. "Benidorm has thanks to Pride," said Toni Pérez, "the opportunity to shine and to show to the world the best of this diverse, plural, multicultural city but, above all, hospitable".
Perfect location
Santos Torres wanted to highlight the solidity of Benidorm Pride that has gone from the four or five parties of the first editions to the nine of this year. A work that has been carried out "with tranquility and with a strong foundation" because Benidorm "is the perfect enclave" thanks to its climate and to scenes like Julio Iglesias or Mirador del Castillo.
The promoter has influenced the growth of Benidorm Pride year after year that this year has been in the fourth of the national ranking after having surpassed in participation the Gay Pride of Sitges. Torres also announced the intention of Benidorm to join the international organization that brings together the different 'proud' people around the world celebrating LGBT communities, InterPride, "with the aim of presenting our candidacy in the year 2020 For the Europride ".
For his part, Geoff Gartland has emphasized that this edition "will raise the level" and has announced the support of the association of entrepreneurs of nocturnal leisure, Ociobal. Pride 2017 will expand its area of action beyond the historic center or the beach. Regarding the programming has said that while on Monday and Tuesday will focus primarily on nightlife venues, from Wednesday the Pride will be able to enjoy to the maximum with events themed as the Showtime in the Mirador Wednesday, the race Heels or White Party on Thursday, Black Party on Friday or the final hatching of Saturday with the traditional Parade of floats, parties in the Julio Iglesias until dawn or the Festival 'Kluster' in the discotheque Ku. Gartland has also emphasized that there will also be a "girls only" party, the 'Les Party', or the first 'pool party' at the Voramar Hotel.
The program of Benidorm Pride will be complemented by the cultural activities organized by the local association Abaco LGBT +, among which we can highlight the exhibition 'The world is not pink', which can be seen in the Espai d'Art of the City Council of Benidorm.