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The Corporation approves the increase in beach services proposed for the summer and put out to tender the conversion into a supermarket of part of the Municipal Market currently in disuse

The plenary agrees unanimously to take advantage of the expansion of ‘Edificant Plan’ to improve 13 educational centers

28 June 2021
El pleno acuerda por unanimidad acogerse a la ampliación del ‘Plan Edificant’ para mejorar 13 centros educativos

The plenary session of Benidorm Corporation has unanimously approved today to request from the Ministry of Education, within the framework of the regulations of Edificant Plan, the delegation of powers in favor of the City Council to carry out construction and improvement works in 13 educational centers of the town. The Councilor for Education, Maite Moreno, has indicated that this formula of the delegation of powers in favor of the City Council is "an opportunity to improve Benidorm's school infrastructures that are not being executed by the Ministry" and "thus speed up the updating of all the schools and IES of Benidorm ”.
Moreno recalled that "the City Council has already accepted the first call for ‘ Edificant Plan ’to build a new multipurpose building for the CEIP Leonor Canalejas and the Adult Training Center"; a work of which the local administration has been commissioned and that will culminate shortly.
The mayor explained that in addition to the four improvement actions indicated by the Ministry itself, through a letter from the Territorial Service of Educational Infrastructures last May, the motion approved today includes another 16 detected by the City Council and / or communicated by the centers or School Councils themselves and that "they are also necessary in order to offer the educational community of Benidorm the best facilities".
The actions included in the motion refer to CEIP’s Aitana, Ausiàs March, El Murtal, Els Tolls, Gabriel Miró, Mestre Gaspar López, Miguel Hernández, Puig Campana, Serra Gelada and Vasco Núñez de Balboa; as well as IES Pere Mª Orts i Bosch and Mediterránea, and the Official School of Languages.
With the same result, the Corporation has decided what the beach services will be for the months of July, August and September. The Councilor for Beaches, Mónica Gómez, has pointed out that “as established in the report of the municipal environmental technician, it is necessary to expand the services to be provided on the beaches compared to those of June before the arrival of the summer season and the foreseeable increase in users ”.
These increases are applied to rescue, first aid and cleaning services, while the rental of hammocks and umbrellas is recovered, having "agreed" the placement of a maximum of "3,500 hammocks daily", out of the more than 6,300 planned in contract.
The person in charge of Beaches has indicated that, based on the plenary agreement of last May, this hammock rental service has been recovered this weekend. Also on Saturday, she recalled, the parcelling of the sandy areas was dispensed with, coinciding with the regulatory change of the Government of Spain and that fundamentally affects the use of the mask in outdoor spaces.
Gómez has clarified that the motion approved today provides that "in the event that during the months of July, August and September due to the evolution of the pandemic it was necessary to introduce or eliminate certain services related to the maintenance of distancing or security measures, empowers the mayor to adapt current services to those needs ”. In addition, at the end of September, the plenary session will determine the services to be provided for "the month of October and following."
The person in charge of Beaches has stressed that "as we said from the first moment, the Safe Beaches system is modular and adaptable to the circumstances established by the pandemic and to the state or regional regulations in force at all times". She has also stressed that Benidorm's beaches offer daily "an image of security, tranquility and for everyone", and has reported that at the moment there are open in the city "more hotels than in August 2020", thus increasing the number of potential beach users.
Also unanimously approved the tender to convert and allocate the disused part of the Mercat to supermarket activity. The head of Contracts, Aida García Mayor, has indicated that with this measure the market "is going to be revitalized", thus generating "more economic activity that will benefit all the establishments of the same". At this point, the mayor has remarked that in the specifications that will govern this tender, in the new supermarket area only "the sale of items or food that does not coincide with those supplied in the Mercat stalls will be allowed" , and recalled that the tender reaches "a batch of 10 positions" most of which are without activity.
The specifications establish that the bidder who obtains this sales area must pay the City Council "837,290.65 euros plus VAT for the seven currently vacant positions" and in possession of the local administration, and acquire the concession of the three occupied positions. This price covers the entire concession term, valid until June 30, 2055. In addition, the new concessionaire will have to carry out a series of improvements both in the supermarket sales area and in the building as a whole.
With the vote of all groups, an Institutional Declaration of the Board of Spokespersons has been approved on the occasion of the International Day of LGTBI Pride, which is celebrated today. In this Declaration, the City Council "strongly condemns any discrimination against LGTBI people and their fundamental rights, including incitement to hatred"; and recalls "the importance of taking concrete measures to put an end to this discrimination."
Through this agreement, the Corporation has expressed its "special concern over the rise in hate speech" and urges "institutions and civil society to intensify their work on the exchange of best practices and strengthen their cooperation in the fight against racism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia and other forms of intolerance ”.
The Institutional Declaration also includes the support of the Corporation to “all those local, regional, national and European actions whose purpose is to promote equality, especially those aimed at fighting against stereotypes and improving the social acceptance of LGTBI people. ”; and it recognizes “the work made by organizations” that work “for the rights of LGBTI people”.
With the unanimous vote, the detailed study has been given the green light to allow a building for parking and basements to be increased by two levels at the confluence of Ondulada and Santa Cristina streets. The Councilor for Urbanism, Lourdes Caselles, explained that during the public exhibition process no allegations have been received regarding the detailed study or the agreement establishing the compensation to be made by the property for this increase in heights and that it has been set at 12,808.73 euros. This amount, she has specified, will be used "to improve the accessibility of this area based on the preliminary draft prepared by municipal technicians."
Also with the vote of all those present, the Regulation of Municipal Economic Benefits for Social Emergency (PEMES) has been initially approved, which will regulate the requirements and procedure for granting these grants, complementary to the Individual Economic Benefits (PEIS). The mayor of Social Welfare, Ángela Llorca, explained that these PEMES have been revealed as necessary due to the extraordinary situation experienced since the outbreak of the pandemic and that has caused that "the subsidy of the Ministry for the PEIS runs out in the first months of the year, with the City Council having to increase the appropriation to be able to attend to the situations of need of families and people at risk of exclusion ”.
Llorca has pointed out that with this regulation "it is intended to guarantee maximum transparency and efficiency in the management of the PEMES" that "will follow the direct concession procedure taking into account the reasons of public, social and humanitarian interest". As the mayor has clarified, these aids are "non-periodic" and are intended "to prevent situations of social exclusion and to promote full social integration of all those in the municipality who lack their own financial resources to attend to their basic needs." .
By majority, an extrajudicial credit acknowledgment for the amount of 7,788.98 euros has been approved relative to an invoice from the General Society of Authors and Publishers (SGAE).
In the same session, an error detected in a plenary agreement of last May was noticed; as well as a ruling from the Supreme Court regarding the former concessionaire of the blue zone –Park Control 2000 SL-, and another from the Administrative Contentious Court number 1 of Alicante on an appeal filed by Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas (FCC).
Regarding the last sentence, by majority it has been agreed not to appeal the judicial decision based on the reports issued by the legal technicians.
Group motions
By majority, a motion by the municipal group of the Popular Party has succeeded to urge the Government of Spain to adopt measures to prevent the economic effects of the increase in the price of energy. The approved text requires the Government of Spain "to lower the VAT rate of Electric Power Production from 7% to 0%", as well as to modify the 2013 Law so that "certain regulatory costs that are transferred to the electricity bill are financed entirely from the General State Budgets ”such as“ the debt of the electricity system and extra-peninsular costs ”. In addition, it includes "simplifying the receipt" to facilitate understanding and launching "immediately an information campaign" to explain the new rate to consumers.
On the other hand, unanimously and at the proposal of the municipal group of the PSOE, it has been approved that "the official website of Benidorm City Council offers in a simple and updated way the data and documents required by law 19/2013 on transparency, access to the information and good governance and that these are duly updated ”. The agreement also includes the inclusion in the Transparency Portal of all the data indicated in article 9 of the Autonomous Transparency Law.
Urgent motions
By means of urgency, a motion of the municipal group of PP regarding the pardons of those convicted by the Procés has succeeded. By a large majority, the Corporation has shown "its unconditional and absolute support for the Constitution and the rest of the Spanish legal system as guarantors of the integrity and unity of the nation." In addition, by majority, there has been "unwavering support" for the work of the courts of justice, especially the Supreme Court; and the pardons approved by the Government of Spain in relation to the Procés have been condemned.
Also by majority, the resignation of President Pedro Sánchez and "the immediate calling of elections" have been demanded for "having breached" his "constitutional oath" and having "deceived Spanish people."