For this course 2022/2023 the contribution has been increased to 63 euros
Nearly 900 students in the 2nd cycle of Early Childhood Education already benefit from municipal grants for the acquisition of material

The vouchers are available and the delivery center depends on the beneficiary's school
Nearly 900 students in the 2nd cycle of Early Childhood Education in public and concerted schools in Benidorm have already benefited from the help of the City Council for the acquisition of school supplies for the 2022/2023 academic year, which begins in a few days. This has been transferred by the Councilor for Education, Maite Moreno, after the Local Government Board (JGL) yesterday approved the third batch of these aids, which reaches 222 students of this cycle who met the requirements established in the bases and whose families filed the application between July 1 and August 15 and.
Moreno recalled that with this aid, in the form of a voucher that can be exchanged at participating establishments in the city, the aim is "to help reduce the cost of school supplies that families registered in Benidorm have to make in this cycle of Early Childhood Education"; and she has highlighted that "for the course that now begins we have increased the maximum aid per minor to 63 euros".
The councillor has specified that "this third remittance is added to the two previously approved, reaching a total amount granted of 56,448 euros." "In addition - she has advanced -, at the end of this month a final remittance will be approved in which the applications received from August 16 to September 23, the deadline for submission, will be included".
The families of the minors included in this third consignment can now pick up the purchase vouchers at the delivery point assigned to them and which varies depending on the school in which the student is enrolled. Thus, in the Department of Education, located on the third floor of the City Hall, the vouchers for the students of the CEIP Gabriel Miró, Mestre Gaspar López and Leonor Canalejas, and the concerted centre Nuestra Señora de Los Dolores will be collected. In the administrative extension of Els Tolls, the delivery of the CEIPS Puig Campana and Els Tolls is centralized; while the students of the Bautista Lledó, Aitana and Vasco Núñez de Balboa schools have been assigned the administrative extension of Foietes.
The municipal branch in La Cala is the collection point for the families of the CEIP La Cala and El Murtal; the Racó de l'Oix, for Serra Gelada school; and in the new Alfredo Corral-Maravall extension, for the students of Ausiàs March and Miguel Hernández centers.
The voucher will only be delivered to the requesting person. If the applicant cannot go to the office, authorization signed by the latter must be provided, accompanied by a photocopy of the DNI of both. Likewise, no duplicates will be issued due to loss, theft or deterioration.
These purchase vouchers can be redeemed until November 4 at Benidorm shops that have joined the initiative: Contalles Bookstore, French Bookstore, Maravall Graphics, Santos Ochoa Bookstore, Ulises Bookstore, Espriu Benidorm and Papelería Centro.