Minute of silence in Benidorm to condemn sexist violence after a new victim in Sestao

The municipal corporation of Benidorm, with the mayor, Toni Pérez, at the head, have observed at noon a new minute of silence to condemn a new case of sexist violence; this event was attended by municipal workers, representatives of different social groups, neighborhoods of the city and participants in the First National Meeting of Mediation that was to start minutes later in the Assembly Hall, among them the magistrate of the Provincial Court of Madrid, Vicente Magro.
The last victim of gender violence has been a 32-year-old Colombian woman from the Basque town of Sestao, who was murdered by her husband of 33. The perpetrator subsequently committed suicide.
Once again, the Department of Equality reminds the existence of the telephone number against mistreatment, 016, which can be attended by women who feel threatened and does not leave a trace on the telephone bill.