Social Welfare and Education offer scholarships up to 100%, including the dining room
The Local Association of AMPA's organizes a new edition of the Summer School for children from 3 to 14 years old

The first students have already started their activities at Els Tolls school.
The Local Association of AMPA's, with the collaboration of the Department of Education and Social Welfare, have organized a new edition of the Summer School, aimed at children aged 3 to 14 years and since last Monday is being developed in the public school Els Tolls. As in previous years, ten different shifts have been established from June 25 to August 31.
The mayor, Toni Pérez, and the vice-president of the AMPA, Viviana Ankonetani, have signed today the agreement in which the contribution of the City Council to this Summer School is established and amounts to 42,707.37. An amount that will be used to grant scholarships to students enrolled in Benidorm. Specifically, 27,707.37 euros will go to grant 100% of the assistance to the Summer School of up to 60 students from families with severe material deprivation. For this purpose, the City Council has also asked to benefit from grants from the Department of Equality and Inclusive Policies for a maximum amount of up to 7,483.83 euros. The remaining 15,000 euros of municipal contribution will serve to reward up to half the cost of attendance of the rest of the participants in the Summer School.
In the Summer School, in addition to school support, participants perform varied daily activities such as English, traditional and alternative sports, big games, tournaments, gymkhana, crafts, social skills workshops, body language, theater or cooking. There are also planned trips to the Foietes pool, the beach and excursions.
The Summer School will run from 09.00 to 14.00 hours, although it has an optional morning classroom service from 08.00 hours conditioned to the existence of demand. Also optional is the dining service, from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
As for the shifts, this time they have been set for weeks and there will be ten. The first shift started this past Monday, June 25, and the last will take place from August 27 to 31. The basic price of the Summer School ranges from 40 to 45 euros per week. To this amount are added, in case of registration, the dining room service and the morning classroom.
The mayor has indicated that "for the fourth year in a row" this Summer School is "absolutely inclusive and inclusive", since all minors attend it regardless of the economic situation of their families.
Parallel to the Summer School, and as in the previous two years, the Department of Social Welfare convened a grant of up to 5,500 euros for the implementation of a classroom special attention by a non-profit social entity . This classroom is integrated into the AMPA's Summer School, is running from this week until August 31, and is managed by Asmibe.