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Tender for works to avoid landslides on the slopes of El Tossal

The JGL awards the archaeological intervention in El Castell and El Tossal, and the Universal Accessibility project

15 May 2019
La JGL adjudica la intervención arqueológica en El Castell y El Tossal, y el proyecto de Accesibilidad Universal

The Local Government Board of Benidorm has awarded the works contracts to intervene archaeologically in El Castell and El Tossal, as well as to develop the 'Universal Accessibility' project that includes, among other actions, the remodeling of Elche Park. The first two projects are financed by European funds for a total amount of 705,000 euros, through the line of grant for the protection or recovery of the Valencian cultural heritage of the ERDF Operational Program 2014-2020; while the 'Universal Accessibility' has received a grant close to one million euros by the Provincial Council of Alicante.

Following the criteria of the Contracting Committee, both the 'project of archaeological intervention and construction of the recovery and enhancement of the Castell de Benidorm' has been awarded to the most advantageous offer, the one presented by the UTE formed by Orthem and Wenceslao Garcia This project, valued at 1.2 million euros and with a term of execution of 3 months, proposes the excavation to discover the remains of the old fortification under the pavement of El Castell, investigate and document them; as well as the subsequent consolidation of the set and its value and musealization. In addition, and as improvements, the contractor will install lighting throughout the entire Punta Canfali, and also banks, litter bins and lampposts in the field of action.

The project will be developed in several phases to ensure pedestrian traffic at all times.

For its part, the company Urbana de Exteriores will be in charge of executing the 'Archaeological intervention in the Castellum del Tossal of La Cala', which culminates the different excavation campaigns that the City Council has carried out at the hand of the University of Alicante, and that have turned the Roman 'castellum' of the 1st century BC into a reference for the study of military forts at the time of the Sertorian Wars.

This project, valued at around 500,000 euros and with an execution period of 7 months, foresees acting on the entire surface of the deposit, especially on the western plot where last year archaeologists located the central street of the 'castellum' and in which the visible remains allow to deduce the existence of a set of buildings very similar to those already located in the excavated part of the fort. In addition, it includes consolidating and restoring the masonry walls of the rooms of the 'castellum' and the canvas of the wall; and the winning company has assumed the improvements of the project that go through the installation of two modules for toilets and interpretation center, the general lighting of the set and the implementation of a video surveillance system.

As regards the 'Universal Accessibility' project, the Sigma-PROMED UTE has been awarded an amount of 1,992,000 euros. Around 700,000 euros are allocated to the comprehensive renovation of Elche Park, which plans to implement the stormwater network to prevent water accumulation; renovate the ramps and access stairs to the beach; renovate the luminaires with 'led' technology and the gardening areas "conserving the trees"; fix with masonry the wall that separates the park from the sand; and to change the aesthetics of the promenade area giving continuity to the colored pavement of Paseo de Poniente.

In addition to the integral renovation of the Elche Park, the 'Universal Accessibility' project includes an Asphalting Plan with it will act in the extension of Beniardá avenue that connects with the first roundabout of the CV-70, at the height of Drinking Water Treatment Station (ETAP). This Asphalting Plan will also be deployed in the streets of La Cala located in El Tossal and its surroundings.

Likewise, the accessibility "of the central almond of Benidorm" will be completed, acting on the avenue of Los Almendros and all pending intersections; the avenue of l'Aigüera with the streets Hondo and Rioja and the street Spring with the Plaza SSMM Kings of Spain; and on Alfonso Puchades Avenue and Fluixá Street.

As for the Sidewalks Plan, the most important action affects the high section of Esperanto Street, the one between Gerona and Doctor Orts Llorca - both recently renewed. Specifically, the renovation of the 100 meters of pavement, as well as the water and lighting network.

In the Security chapter, access control has been foreseen mainly at the most sensitive points; while in the Building Accessibility Improvement Plan, all municipal public buildings will be reached and the construction of ramps and / or installation of automatic doors will be focused.

In addition, the auctioneer UTE has assumed the implementation of the improvement proposed by the City Council for the construction of a new access to the school complex of Salt de l'Aigua through a bridge over the Derramador ravine, which will extend the street Barca del Bou and join it to the European Community avenue. This action valued at 600,000 euros, will allow greater outbound connections from the Salt de l'Aigua for public transport, emergency vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, students and teachers of this school complex in which 80% of students are concentrated of Benidorm.

Tender works to stabilize the slopes of El Tossal

In addition JGL has approved an expense of 306,000 euros to tender the stabilization project of the slopes of El Tossal, which already received light by the same body on 3 December. This project has a term of execution of five months and focuses mainly on the central part of the slope. This tender is going to be carried out urgently, since the last rains of intensity advise to execute these works as soon as possible, due to the risk of landslides in Luarca Street.