A bridge will allow to save the Derramador ravine and extend Barca del Bou street and join it with Comunidad Europea Avenue
The improvements of the 'Universal Accessibility' plan include a new access to the school complex of Salt de l'Aigua

This infrastructure will improve mobility and security
The improvements included in the 'Universal Accessibility' project include the construction of a new access to the school complex of the Salt de l'Aigua through a bridge over Derramador ravine, which will allow Barca del Bou street to be extended and joined to Comunidad Europea Avenue. This improvement has been accepted by all companies that have submitted to the public tender called by the City Council for the implementation of this project of 'Universal Accessibility', valued at 2 million euros.
This has been transferred today by the mayor, Toni Pérez, who recalled that this Monday, April 1, an extraordinary plenary session is held to approve a budget modification amounting to 2,044,226.94 euros that makes possible this project of 'Universal Accessibility' and the archaeological interventions in El Castell and El Tossal. These are works subject to subsidies from the Diputación de Alicante - in the case of 'Universal Accessibility' - and the European Union - within the line of aid for the protection or recovery of the Valencian cultural heritage of the ERDF Operational Program 2014-2020 in the case of El Castell and El Tossal-.
As explained by the mayor, the construction of this bridge and the adequacy of the environment are valued at "more than 600,000 euros" and get "what he craved for decades," such as having "greater connections out of the Salt de l'Aigua for public transport, emergency vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, students and teachers "of this school complex. A complex in which "80% of Benidorm's students concentrate", which translates into about 6,800 students from two public schools, four Secondary Education Institutes (IES), Official School of Languages and National University of Distance Education (UNED).
Pérez recalled that at present -and since its execution- Barca del Bou street ends next to Gabriel Miró school and IES Almadrava. Now with the construction of the planned bridge this road will continue, generating a new exit towards Comunidad Europea Avenue and improving the mobility and security of the area.
The mayor has indicated that this action is added to those developed in the last three years in this school complex and that have allowed to set up safer school itineraries and increase parking capacity. Thus, it has referred to the adequacy of the road that connects Salt de l'Aigua with Palau d'Esports l'Illa, the accessibility works that have allowed to eliminate all architectural barriers and the creation of two large parking areas together to the institutes L'Almadrava and Bernat de Sarrià.